Question about submitting to psa by droping them off.

I've never submitted to psa on my own, my buddy usually does all the work, only done on card grading. I live close to their grading offices it seems, can i just stop buy and submit? If so do I need to get a membership? I usually go through my buddies membership since we submit large submissions together.
Public Friday Link
However, on April 20-22, there is a show in Inglewood and they are accepting submissions there.
West Coast Show
I was at the last Public Friday (which is from 10am to 4pm) and when I arrived, there were about four or five people ahead of me. Pretty quick service. Check it out.
/s/ JackWESQ
Reap the whirlwind.
Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
They have the coolest waiting lobby. When your submissions are done, you can call customer service
again and ask for a schedualed pick up.
It used to be you could drop off cards at Public Saturday and pick them up at the next Public Saturday, if they were ready. I guess the volume got to much to store in inventory for a full month.
I believe dropping off and picking up cards on days other than their Public Fridays requires that you be a dealer. I asked about this when they switched the policy I mentioned above.
I've been to a quite a few Public Fridays and I overheard a few times that you need to be a member to submit.