E-Bay Negative Feedback Help !!!

Good day,
Well it finally happened, after almost 10 years, 2500 transactions and over 1000 Feedbacks I got my first Negative Feedback this weekend. This clown that had bought $7 dollars worth of cards from me in two auctions sends me an e-mail Friday night while I'm not home and tells me I sent him the wrong card for one of the two auctions he won from me. He then waits about 5 minutes and goes and leaves just plain Nasty, Derogatory comments with the Negative Feedback, like Bait and Switch ect.
Now what kind of Idiot would jepaordize a Feedback rating of over 1000 at %100 positive over $7. bucks. So Sat morning I sit down and read my messages and see that he sent me the e-mail about the card. Before I think to check my Feedback, I e-mail him and tell him it was my mistake and I will send him the right card for free, no problem. I then look at my Feedback and see what he has done. Over the course of this weekend he has sent no fewer than 25 e-mails telling me what a douch bag I am ect. I e-mailed him several times to tell him I would send the right card when he starts the process to do a mutual Feedback removal. The only thing he did do was remove the Negative Feedback on the second item after I filed a complaint. One of the problems is that I did the right thing when I recieved his payment and posted Positive feedback, so have no recourse. He says he won't start this process until I send him the right card. I am at the point that I don't trust this A%$$&**$hole and do not feel like sending him anything.
To further complicate matters, he has 3 of his clown buddys sending me irrelevant questions on my current auctions for whatever reason I can't figure it out, but he admitted in one e-mail he had this going on.
I contacted FeeBay and made a complaint on this and the Negative Feedback, but of course got the Party Line that it didn't violate any E-bay rules and just deal with it.
So two Qustions:
1. Am I handling this right and could some of you who have been through this nightmare give me some advice?
2. I have blocked he and his buddys now from Bidding on my stuff. I noticed that when this started Sat. morning, that he has all of his Info (Private). This should be a clue right off the Bat. With this bad taste in my mouth, can I have E-bay block anybody from Bidding on my stuff with their info Private?
Thanks for your help and letting me Vent !!!!!!!!!
Well it finally happened, after almost 10 years, 2500 transactions and over 1000 Feedbacks I got my first Negative Feedback this weekend. This clown that had bought $7 dollars worth of cards from me in two auctions sends me an e-mail Friday night while I'm not home and tells me I sent him the wrong card for one of the two auctions he won from me. He then waits about 5 minutes and goes and leaves just plain Nasty, Derogatory comments with the Negative Feedback, like Bait and Switch ect.
Now what kind of Idiot would jepaordize a Feedback rating of over 1000 at %100 positive over $7. bucks. So Sat morning I sit down and read my messages and see that he sent me the e-mail about the card. Before I think to check my Feedback, I e-mail him and tell him it was my mistake and I will send him the right card for free, no problem. I then look at my Feedback and see what he has done. Over the course of this weekend he has sent no fewer than 25 e-mails telling me what a douch bag I am ect. I e-mailed him several times to tell him I would send the right card when he starts the process to do a mutual Feedback removal. The only thing he did do was remove the Negative Feedback on the second item after I filed a complaint. One of the problems is that I did the right thing when I recieved his payment and posted Positive feedback, so have no recourse. He says he won't start this process until I send him the right card. I am at the point that I don't trust this A%$$&**$hole and do not feel like sending him anything.
To further complicate matters, he has 3 of his clown buddys sending me irrelevant questions on my current auctions for whatever reason I can't figure it out, but he admitted in one e-mail he had this going on.
I contacted FeeBay and made a complaint on this and the Negative Feedback, but of course got the Party Line that it didn't violate any E-bay rules and just deal with it.
So two Qustions:
1. Am I handling this right and could some of you who have been through this nightmare give me some advice?
2. I have blocked he and his buddys now from Bidding on my stuff. I noticed that when this started Sat. morning, that he has all of his Info (Private). This should be a clue right off the Bat. With this bad taste in my mouth, can I have E-bay block anybody from Bidding on my stuff with their info Private?
Thanks for your help and letting me Vent !!!!!!!!!
Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
Just reply carefully to the feedback. You can block any bidder you want as long as you know their ID, you can cancel anybody's bid for any reason, and you can get negs removed from brand new users. Other than that and reporting him for harrassing you, you probably have to deal with it till he gets bored or moves on.
I would not send him anything. If he returns the wrong card you can send him the right one when the wrong one arrives.
It sounds like the neg will only spoil your perfect feedback, so that should not really be main point on concern.
It sounds like he has some thugs (or alt IDs) that are reeking havoc on your auctions, so you should work on them to try and go away. I would say bite your tongue and be the better man and send him the correct card. It sounds like you just really want him to go away and he needs to take his medication. I think you got to get him calmed down and see that you both made mistakes and are trying to get it worked out where he will leave you alone. It sounds like he may cause you more trouble in the future.
As mentioned earlier, with 1,000+ positive feedback, I'm not worried about negs from the same buyer (especially a newbie)
Good Luck and I hope it works out for the best.
and posted Positive feedback, so have no recourse. "
One of the problems is that you did the absolute wrong thing
when you received his payment and posted positive FB............."
Another problem - and this just goes with the territory - is selling
low-priced stuff on EBAY. 99.999% of the problems I have had -
in every listing category - have come from buyers of merch selling
for less than $10.00.
This language can be placed in listings:
"Buyers with private feedback must contact me for authorization before bidding."
If they bid without contacting you, cancel their bid and block them.
EBAY is the Devil.
See what he has to say to you on the phone.
I'd do that and put him on the spot.
If he's still an idiot, go outside and do a spring cleanup for dogturds on your yard (or your neighbor's if you don't have one) and mail them to him with a note to eat them and die.
I wouldn't send the guy jack. I'd tell him that he can either stop the emails or you will
1. Contact his ISP and file a complaint on him
2. Contact his local law enforcement and file a complaint on him
3. Contact ebay and file a complaint with them
4. drive to his house and beat his sorry ass.
I really apprecite all the input. I would really like to do option 4 in the last reply. But realisticly, even though the piece of dog dodoo doen't deserve jack crap, as my Mother used to say be the better Man. I really just want to have this end and have him go away for good. I am considering sending him his card tonight plus the total of $9.25 he sent for the two auctions and a 39 cent stamp, that way the little turd can't say I didn't bend over backwards for him. And I will pay him with a check (Proof it was cashed) and get signature confirmation on the delivery. The problem with this is bottom line this is probably exactly what the A*&^%hole expects and has probably used any problem in the past to turn it into the situation where an Honest dealer has to go through this just to try and get back right.
And I understand that with over 1000 Feedbacks and this being the only one Negative that it is no big deal. But I hate to say it it's a matter of principle and having all positive up to this point was a matter of pride. I have had issues with Buyers in the past but have always worked them out given the chance would have made this right.
And the more I think about it I just want to use Option #4.
he sent for the two auctions and a 39 cent stamp, that way the little
turd can't say I didn't bend over backwards for him. "
Ahh yes. It is always fun to reward bad behavior.
If the guy paid with PayPal, do NOT send him a check. He will file
a PayPal claim and WIN.
Good ebay'ers can look past a dude with 5 feedback leaving NF for a guy with over 1000 PF's.
he wouldnt get a dime, a refund....
though i do like the idea of sending him a large box stuffed to the brim with dog crap!
This unfortunate situation is a classic example of why sellers should not leave feedback first. You get screwed by this dirtbag and he knows you already left him FB so there's nothing stopping him ruining your FB rating. This guy sounds like a real jerk, I wouldn'r do anything for him until he agrees to retract his negative or send you back the wrong card at least. Good luck!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
sorry this happened to you.
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Agreed. He deserves jack squat IMO.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Mike, I have one neg from a member who is "NARU" but the feedback has remained. I think they used to change it to a neutral in this case but no longer do anything. Anyone know for sure?
Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards
My PSA Registry Sets
34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
Feedback abuse and removal
Feedback that meets any of the circumstances below is feedback abuse and may be subject to removal.
Feedback that doesn't meet any of the reasons outlined below will not be removed:
eBay is provided with a valid court order finding that the disputed feedback is slanderous, libelous, defamatory or otherwise illegal.
The feedback comment contains profane, vulgar, obscene, or racist language or adult material. Inflammatory language, such as "fraud, liar, cheater, scam artist, con man" etc., while strongly discouraged, will not be removed.
The feedback comment contains personal identifying information about another member, including real name, address, phone number, or e-mail address.
The feedback makes reference to an eBay, PayPal or law enforcement organization investigation.
The feedback comment contains links or scripts.
Negative feedback intended for another member will be considered for removal only in situations where the member responsible for the mistaken posting informs eBay of the error and has already placed the same feedback for the correct member.
Feedback left by a person ineligible to participate in eBay transactions, according to Section 1 of the eBay User Agreement, at the time of the transaction or the time the feedback was left.
Feedback left by a member who provided eBay with false contact information and could not be contacted. In general, the transaction period is considered to be 90 days from the end of the listing or 30 days from the date the feedback was left, whichever was longer.
Feedback left by a member who bid on or purchased an item solely to have the opportunity to leave negative feedback for the seller, with no intention of completing the transaction.
Feedback left by users who are indefinitely suspended for certain policy violations within 90 days of registration. eBay takes the position that members who are indefinitely suspended soon after registration shouldn't be able to permanently impact another member's account.
eBay will automatically remove feedback from members indefinitely suspended within 90 days of registration. Not all suspension types qualify for automatic feedback removal. For example, accounts that are suspended for non-payment of eBay bills and instances when eBay provides the member with the opportunity to fix the issue (and be reinstated), do not qualify for automatic removal.
Automatic suspension
Members that earn a feedback rating of -4 (minus four), will be automatically suspended.
For more information on laws limiting the liability of companies like eBay from written remarks posted on its site by third parties, please visit these Web sites:
Legal Information Institute
See above list.
NARUd (for really bad stuff) 89 days after registration; the FB is removed.
Non-Payment can be fixed with payment; it does not count.
1. If you are absolutely certain an AH buyer is going to NEG you,
bait him/her into using swear words in the FB. (That is all I will
say about that one, but use your creative energies to find a way.)
2. Disect the member's contact info. One number off in a ZIP-code
or phone number will do it. "Road" when it should "Drive," will do it.
Transposed street numbers will do it.
3. Bait the AH into posting your name - even your first name is enough -
in the NEG. (Again, use your imagination on exactly how to make it happen.)
The Dirtbags ID is; Fishheadkrewe (Private).
Question, I finally went in yesterday morning and blocked he and his crony's (Or other User ID'S) and have not recieved an E-mail from him since. Does blocking somebody from bidding on your stuff also block them from sending you e-mails through the E-bay system or did this clown just get bored and move on?