Does PSA only charge you right before your submission is complete?

That they only take money out of your credit card or cash your check right before the cards are actually graded? In the past, in my very limited number of submissions, I notice that when my card is charged it is no more than a few days later that my grades pop online. However, this is the first monthly special I have participated in and my card has been charged after only 5 days at it made me curious. Is it just purely coincidence that it was charged so close to grading time before? Or is that the trend that you guys see as well? Thanks!
- Joe
- Joe
Since my turnarounds have been fast, I cannot comment on the charging/cashing of card/bank. But hopefully that is a good sign as they have opened your box and sending them out to the grader(s).
In my experiences (several,) PSA will run your card or deposit your check as soon as the submission is entered into the system... usually a day or two after they arrive. This however has no barring on your cards being near completion. The monthly $5 specials normally NORMALLY take a month to nearly three months to pop... SO, you card may have been ran yesterday, but it might not be a long while before you see your grades.
Of course, this is just my experience. My suggestion?... except it as the standard and you'll never be let down.
Best of luck! All 10's!!! ... ok, maybe (1) 9
ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!
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David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06