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Any help with pricing would be very helpful.

Kirby Puckett Master Set


  • HoofHeartedHoofHearted Posts: 2,537 ✭✭

    Here is the latest SMR Online pricing. With porkchopper's recent purchase of a 10 and sale of a 9, the value may go up a notch or two...

  • i wouldnt buy the card unless you like him. larry i heard are still printing them!
  • clayshooter22clayshooter22 Posts: 727 ✭✭✭
    Well, the $1000 psa 10 sale on ebay two weeks ago brought out all the 9's. Last one went for $400. I still think <$200 for a 9 is fair but the one on ebay now has a reserve of $250. I really want one and have plenty of BR I just want a fair price and with the recent sales all waaay over SMR I'm not sure what is a good deal for both seller AND buyer. Thanks.

    Kirby Puckett Master Set
  • I bought the 9 that I just sold a couple years back for a little over $200 but no more than $220 (don't recall exactly). So I was pleasantly surprised to see the BIN get hit @ $250 when I sold it. As for the 10, my opinion is that it is worth one bid increment more than what the 3rd bidder bid.
  • clayshooter22clayshooter22 Posts: 727 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, Pork, the guy that has the 9 listed now has a $250 reserve and listed when he saw your 9 go BIN of $250. I do think a strong sale is $200 but anything more is just the convenience factor unless it’s extremely high grade with a chance to resubmit for a 10.

    The whole market on this was kinda muddied when that 10 went for $1000 two weeks ago.

    I guess I'll just wait out the craziness until prices become more stable.

    Oh, I forgot, a BGS 9.5 went for $400 last week...a more realistic price for a PSA Gem me thinks.

    Kirby Puckett Master Set
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