Cleveland Stadium 1970: Wish it was framed better, but still really cool...

I bought a group of amature slides and found some really cool Indians shots against the Angels in August of 1970. This one was very poorly centered. I cropped it to 16x20 (the only way it would get reasonably centered) and it looks pretty cool. Don't you just love old scoreboards? Old scoreboards are a real treat with all of the billboards and out of town scores on manual mounts. They were so grand in terms of their presence at the park. Cleveland's was certainly no exception. The thing was freaking HUGE!

we would go from Illinois back to Ohio to visit my grandmother.
When we saw the stadium, it was less than hour to her home in
I also got to see the 81 All Star game in Cleveland Stadium.
I don't believe the game sold out because of the strike that year.