1985 McGwire SGC 8.4 - sold , Who won it?

Hmmmmm , High Bidder with another funny ebay title. I can't imagine who won ( did this ) . Dude your testical fortitude is to be bowed down to. Not in a 93 McGwire refractor sorta way, but in a Mel Brooks sort of way. Long live the kings of humor. Years from now I will still chuckle over this one. Please keep up the good work.
" In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
Link please...
The question answer section was classic! Of course, there is no way that is a legitimate bid...I bet he is peeing his pants waiting for that money to arrive!
But allegedly the winner claimed that since it said free shipping in the title, that he/she couldn't afford the $400. Surprisingly the seller dropped said shipping charges and agreed to settle for the $1,500. Seller is currently waiting for address confirmation before receiving payment.
Again, this is all speculation on my part. I'm not completely sure if this is how it happened.
i love this part of one question:
"PS: Im glad to see that inbreeding isnt completely unsuccessful."
pepers and eggs! fish dish!
I have a question. You're an idiot.
A: no it isnt and i will notify ebay to find out who you are and have the police bring you a lovley straight jacket. thanks for the question
Funny stuff. Thanks for sharing. Wish I would of seen it sooner. I wanna play next time.
I was responsible for 5 or 6 of those questions. Each time I tried to get more ridiculous than the last yet he kept on responding.
Ya know, we can keep this going all we want, he has several other auctions going and many questions left unanswered !
-- Yogi Berra
I'm warning you.
and to let you know how it feels, I mentioned how you are wrong about 1990's inserts in my other post.
it was all in fun.
Second, you are a pretty brave little boy making threats in a public internet forum. Please do not " warn " me of anything, because if you continue to warn me about something I had nothing to do with you are just making yourself look like more of an a$$ than you already are.
-- Yogi Berra
<< <i>Man, if only I knew who cousinphucker really was. I was the underbidder and can't believe I didn't get it. kcballboy, if you have any idea who the high bidder is- any idea at all- Please let me know. Thanks.
Lee >>
Judging by the last question, which I am pretty sure was by this "cousinphucker" it didn't sound like he was going to be denied his card. If I hear anything I will be sure to let you know. I know it hurts to lose an auction like this.
<< <i>Q: I'll make you a deal. Instead of me doing a BIN for 1,900 and paying $400 for "shipping" how about I just jam an oversized cactus up my own ass to get the same effect?
I liked that one too.
Q: Seems like a great price. Hopefully I have a chance to win it and add it to my refractor collection. I'll keep my fingers crossed. And where did you get all of those cute little smiley faces? They sooooooo cute. My name is jgarci11. Thank you.
A: thanks for your question check out smiley central for the smiles etc.. hmm you must be donald trump to put a $1900.00 graded card on your bike.. because only someone with that kind of loot would do something that potentialy destructive to a piece of basball history. but if you win the bidding or meet the reseve ebay will let you know
Lee, this could be your chance.
Higher starting bid and higher buy it now!
"suspect bidders will be reported to ebay" hehehehe
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
i hope he replies.
<< <i>Q: Hello, I just thought you should know that the vigilante that interfered with your first auction posts to the collector's universe (PSA) message boards as kcballboy, and there is a thread on that board where several of them mock your auction and high five each other over the bogus questions they've been sending you: http://forums.collectors.com/messageview.cfm?catid=11&threadid=577538&STARTPAGE=1 Anyway, that kcballboy character's name is Travis and he's from Kansas City, Missouri. I disagree with your first listing, the $400 shipping fee, and obviously I think you're crazy to think your card is going to sell for anything more than the $10 it's worth, but I felt you should know what's been going on. Time to put a stop to the vigilante bidders.
A: reard the description the item is being auctiond with Free S=h+I+etc. and this sam card years back on ebay was wellover$3000.00 so i determing the worth i felt what was in the past and what will be say 20 years in the furture value. macgwire like sosa will get up like babe ruth and lou gerrig etc..so no i priced it right. thanks for the heads up on the supposed shil bidder who can waste his time as long as he dosent bid thats a waste to all. >>
Vigilante huh? Looks like the Lone Ranger saves the day again. If this guy needs to be informed that those questions and a winning bidder named "cousinphucker" were by "vigilante bidders" then he gets what he deserves. Just an extension of natural selection.
I wanted to come up with an appropriate and creative name for this retards auction. alas! I have been stymied.
<< <i>Does Ebay require new people (buyers only, not selling) to put in a CC or bank account, or is that something new?
I wanted to come up with an appropriate and creative name for this retards auction. alas! I have been stymied. >>
How about sisterphucker?
Looking for Jonny Gomes cards, especially Triple Threads and printing plates. Will consider all cards, though. Got something? Contact me at c_u_l_1@yahoo.com
<< <i>
<< <i>Does Ebay require new people (buyers only, not selling) to put in a CC or bank account, or is that something new?
I wanted to come up with an appropriate and creative name for this retards auction. alas! I have been stymied. >>
How about sisterphucker?
That is grossly inappropriate.
<< <i>who the heck posted kcballboys info? >>
Dont know. I have told sellers about threads in the past (once or twice) so they can see what a joke they are but never would name names.
Someone felt bad for this guy.
This guy who was trying to charge $400 shipping and has a ridiculous price. When some old lady might come by and swoop it up for her grandson. This guy deserves all the ridicule he can handle. He states fake bidding is bad for ebay, well so is his ridiculous "value" he places on this item. Dealing with comics and movies he must understand market value and know how to find resources to get a current estimated value.
I thought there was a high five icon. oh well, Imagine one.
<< <i>macgwire like sosa will get up like babe ruth and lou gerrig etc.. >>
<< <i>He actually claims that he is selling it for "around the price" he paid for it. Wow. And I think this quote is the most profound thing I've read in a while:
<< <i>macgwire like sosa will get up like babe ruth and lou gerrig etc.. >>
Mac and Lou mispelled. Doesnt collect. Jumped on bandwagon when Mac was hot. Early retirement, he thought. We'll see his $400 Jeter #40 in a few years on ebay.
A: it will be packaged and shipped to arrive in one piece.and your card could be worth much more in 20 years or not you never know what may happen.. sorry that all the shrill bidders seem to be talking asking questions etc sorry to ebay and the ebay community.
At least he guarantees that a $2,500 card will arrive in one piece. That should help you sleep at night.