I need to take a step back to take two steps forward, some pcgs Lincolns from my set for sale (early

Prices include shipping. Full return priviledge.
1911 pcgs ms65rd $575 Hand picked as the best pq coin from Pat + Gene's set. He got it from Ira.
1911-d pcgs ms64rd $700 Gem eye appeal, full strike, you won't find nicer in an ms64 holder (and most ms65 holders)
1912 pcgs ms65rd $575 Ditto to 1911
1915-d pcgs ms64rd $500 Super nice, flashy, great color, full strike
1924 pcgs ms65rd $475 untoned super flashy, from Ira
1970 pcgs ms67rd pop 34 $550 the best of 8 I've owned, yes 8!
1981-d pcgs ms67rd pop 44 $435 a medium deep orange, flashy. (Not from my set but still nice.)
1983 pcgs ms68rd pop 27 $750 mostly even color, a little subtle red vs orange
1988-d pcgs ms68rd pop 20 $850 even color, flashy, super nice obverse
1911 pcgs ms65rd $575 Hand picked as the best pq coin from Pat + Gene's set. He got it from Ira.
1911-d pcgs ms64rd $700 Gem eye appeal, full strike, you won't find nicer in an ms64 holder (and most ms65 holders)
1912 pcgs ms65rd $575 Ditto to 1911
1915-d pcgs ms64rd $500 Super nice, flashy, great color, full strike
1924 pcgs ms65rd $475 untoned super flashy, from Ira
1970 pcgs ms67rd pop 34 $550 the best of 8 I've owned, yes 8!
1981-d pcgs ms67rd pop 44 $435 a medium deep orange, flashy. (Not from my set but still nice.)
1983 pcgs ms68rd pop 27 $750 mostly even color, a little subtle red vs orange
1988-d pcgs ms68rd pop 20 $850 even color, flashy, super nice obverse
Do you realize that it's your fault that I am collecting lincolns in PCGS slabs?
A link is in my sig. line...
Mike, I just looked at your set...and man...do you have it loaded down with 68's. WHEW.
So are you ever going to dabble into wheats or varieties?????