How are CU metal detecting finds certified?

For purposes of awarding "best find" recognition,
how is it determined that a "find" is actually an
item that was discovered with a metal detector?
Is the honor-system in play, or are witness statements
how is it determined that a "find" is actually an
item that was discovered with a metal detector?
Is the honor-system in play, or are witness statements
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
<< <i>The honor-system is used. >>
Honor Plus a lot of us hunt with a partner (witness). In the past VTH3, I have nothing to gain by not being honest.
Have Fun
Whats the point?
But I suspect it either has or will happen.
I would expect that everyone posts real MD finds here since there is nothing to gain.
Thanks for asking that question I'm sure fellow members here once or twice wonder about that themselves.
You're right Ken, I could stumble on to a fantastic find. And at the rate I'm going, I'm more apt to stumble upon the item then I am to detect it. lol