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Does this MJ rookie look suspicious?

Check out the area to the bottom of the card back. Does it look erased to anyone? Perhaps where the "Reprint" stampt used to be?


  • Could that be scanner artifact? What was the card graded? I can't imagine even BGS missing that one.
  • Arsenal83Arsenal83 Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭
    it was graded bgs 9. I'm blown away because it seems so obvious, but I can't figure out what the heck it would be.
  • Oh, so it's on the card you've got in hand? If it's not on the scanner or the case, I'll venture and say "It ain't right."
  • Arsenal83Arsenal83 Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭
    it's on ebay right now - CHECK IT OUT.
  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭
    The card itself looks perfectly legit. 99% of the reprints have the copyright logo running off into the bottom border (just under the NBAPA logo) Not to mention the pinks in the background tend to "blend" a bit more closely and the Bulls eyes are usually closed on the reprints. So I think the card is legit. However, that "erased" looking area is very odd. I've never seen an MJ RC that said "Reprint" anywhere on it either so I don't think thats it.
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    I think it is a scanner reflection.
  • Looks like maybe it's sticker residue on the case that he kind of smudged off with his finger and the scanner just highlighted the smudge.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "However, that "erased" looking area is very odd."


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