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These two gems went for a tidy sum

1975 OPC Bruins team leaders

1974 OPC Bruins team leaders

Who said hockey won't be back? I am not an expert on the 1974 OPC but I read where it is supposed to be one of the most difficult sets to complete in high grade. With that said the 1975 card went for a little more.


  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    That's just wacky insane. I need to bust some 70s hockey pronto.

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭
    1974 OPC is very, very tough. There are still a few pop '0's in PSA 8, and tons of pop '0's in PSA 9. With that said, the '74 at first blush like sheet cuts, since I've seen only a couple '74's with edges that smooth and the centering is never THAT nice. Well over 98% of these cards have a noticeable rough cut, and a same percentage are at least slightly OC, so this card is truly a 1/50000 specimen or it's fresh from the printing shop.
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    image holy shin splints!
  • Brian48Brian48 Posts: 2,624 ✭✭✭
    I weep. Just reminds me of how pathetic the Bruins are these days.
  • I wonder what his "buy it now" price would have been before the auction? I'm sure he is glad he did'nt put one on the auction. Wow
    Orr stuff is HOT!!
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