Anyone else having ebay problems?

I can't get my ebay watch list to come up. Several auctions ending in the next couple of hours, and I can't see them
Is anyone else having the same problem?

Is anyone else having the same problem?
SouthernCards: Join the crowd
"Molon Labe"
EDITED TO ADD: The site is broke, too.
what a POS, i mean w/ all the spam i get from e-bay/hackercity/europe, it's hard to tell which is which!
That wasn't all that was not working. I was bidding on an item that ended 30 minutes ago. I got outbid several hours before it ended. Normally I get an email from ebay telling me I've been outbid. This time - nothing.
Looks like ebay's systems had a major problem. Here's what their system board said:
March 25, 2007 | 05:59PM PST/PT
Some members may be receiving errors when accessing My eBay or using Checkout. We're aware of these issues and are working to fix them as quickly as possible.
March 25, 2007 | 06:40PM PST/PT
Earlier today, members may have experienced slowness or seen errors when accessing My eBay or attempting to use Checkout.
These issues have now been resolved. Thank you for your patience.
- John Wooden