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what would this '63 rose grade?

I obsessed about the tiny white spot....how did I miss the centerring??????????? Any chance 9 (OC) and is better to take the down-grade and leave the qualifier off? I always figure that if you buy a 8 and it is poorly centered, you don't know how sweet it really was....


  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    I would take the seven but you might get a grader on a good day and get an eight. Nice card though overall, congrats.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    Looks like a solid 7 with a chance for an 8.

    Good luck image
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • bluemarlinbluemarlin Posts: 627 ✭✭✭
    Sweet card,looks like it could snag an 8.

  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926
    Awesome card! IMO it is a lock 7 with a good shot at an 8.

    My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

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  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    i must agree with all who offered their opinions so far....sweet McMullen rookie, get that thing slabbed! image
  • Indulge me if you all will...my membership lapsed years ago. and I just got the freebies.... If I get the 1 or 2 year membership,...what can I figure to pay to get cards graded that aref valuable. seems I remember that there is a sliding fee scale... For instance this card. thanks
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    Unless you are in a rush, wait until there's a special. Otherwise, you have to pay full price.

    Submission prices link
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • thanks. since even a 7 would be a declared value over $500 it's doesn't pertain in this instance, but if I have a card that would be under $500 in one grade, but over $500 if bumped up one grade...does PSA also adjust/determine the fee after the grade is computed ?
  • the centering is too far off for even a 6 NQ.
    Mark B.

    Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards

    My PSA Registry Sets

    34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
  • strike my last comment. I was thinking the top border was measured but it's not. looks like a solid 7.
    Mark B.

    Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards

    My PSA Registry Sets

    34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭
    Bottom edge looks trimmed to me. But it might be the slight tilt to the card too. I thing you might end up getting a straight miscut (not holdered) on it as it isn't perfectly square. I've had a couple cards from the 60's be rejected twice for that. (I always try twice). It actually is longer on the right edge (Top to bottom) than it is on the left edge, which would make sense if it's either miscut from the factory or a poor trim job on the bottom edge. Again, it's tough to tell things perfectly from a scan.

    If it is clean and unaltered it looks sharp enough to have a shot at an 8(OC). I have my doubts about it though.

    Sure is a nice looking card raw.

    Good luck with it and let us know how it turns out.
  • I'm pretty confident that any appearence of triming is my modifying pics with "paint"
    What about the 8 (OC) vs 7 issue? I'm thinking a qualifier is better than a lower grade that is obviously also off center
  • bluemarlinbluemarlin Posts: 627 ✭✭✭
    Personally I feel a 7 would be better then an 8 o/c.

  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,395 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like a mis cut. You may want to match it to another card bf you send it or they wont grade it if it is.
  • at the risk of showing off my ignorance...what is the difference in miscut vs off center?
  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭

    << <i>at the risk of showing off my ignorance...what is the difference in miscut vs off center? >>

    Off Center and Miscut seem to get interchanged on occasion. Usually though, a miscut designated (MC) on the holder is a result of having another card appearing on the card being graded either due to poor printing or poor cutting. I have had a couple cards returned to me as misct before that I did not understand. This card appears to have a bit of a diamond cut (or a poor trim job). If you hold it over the top of another card you may see it. But again, part of it could be the scan, it's tough to tell.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I think a few people don't get that this pic was taken by a camera, hence the wierd angle of the card. Under this assumption, the card looks fine to me if untrimmed, and should be an solid 7. If it were a common it may have a shot to slide by as an 8, but not on a Rose RC with that centering. Also, the bottom left corner on the scan of the back looks hit a little.

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