Refund question

I bought some packs. Saw the seller used same pic for another auction. I asked if I was getting packs in pic. He said no. Auction didnt state it was a stock photo used. I only wanted exact packs in pic. He refunded me purchase price only so I guess he shipped them already. Its only $3 but am I entitled to that?

Has Billy ever admitted to knowing that (FF) was on the bat ?
My gut is that he knew, because of the perfect way he was holding it to make it easy to read
Would love to here from you-are you looking for 89 packs?
I have 13 different. I have a few more but they might just be variations from different printers or from the fact they used 2 locations to print.
Worth the most? Probally the 2 I need as I have yet to see them for sale. One I have never seen a pic of. But the most valuable traded card is
Whiteout-$60-100 raw ALOT more if graded as it is easily faked
White Scribble Saw- 2 sales in 3? years on ebay of $75 ea. appx.
FF PSA 10 sells for $50-100 around the same for scribble.
Billy admitting it? No. In 89 in interviews he said buddys did it as a joke. Then heard from another collector that on XM in May 06 (have XM? I dont. Copy it? ) that he said he wrote it on his practice bats and used that bat on accident.
Then heard from another interview (source? notes at home) that he said he had nothing to do with it. It was later added to the photo.
My buddy asked him a while back and he just smiled when asked where the bat is.
Looking for 89 packs? Currently no. Buying a card now that is gonna take all my $$ for awhile. But I do buy cello/rack cases when funds allow. I try to stay away from loose boxes/packs. Unless it is a rack with a version on top that I dont have on a rack yet. I have a White Scribble on a rack (no raw copies) so I want a few other versions on top so I can display them all together (in a GAI slab)
Thanks for the info-
I grew up in Baltimore and in 1987? 88 Billy and Cal came into our neighborhood bar-It was pretty wild-it is a dump bar about 1/2 hr from the old memorial stadium...have no idea what they was doing in my neighborhood....just thought I would let you know that useless bit of info ...Take care Scott