Large submitters

Hey this is a question for everybody that has submitted an order in excess of 500, 1000, or 2000 cards. What kind of discount did they give you? I just got off the phone with PSA for a huge order and they gave me a number that did not seem like a discount at all. So I wanted to see what everybody else got from them. Thanks
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
<< <i>significant discounts, I believe, only come if you will guarantee them monthly submissions over a certain amount (e.g. 2,000 cards a month for a year) >>
I would be surprised if this were true. I can only think of a couple sellers who likely submit 24,000 cards a year, and if these discounts were only reserved for two or three sellers I don't there would be much 'hobby talk' surrounding them.
There could be some kind of stipulation whereby you need to submit a monthly minimum, but 2,000 seems pretty high. In any case, I think it's odd that PSA 'guards' this information. What possible damage could be done by publishin the bulk submission rates on the website somewhere?
WHY the secret prices? Just business, nothing personal!
Go Phillies
Just call up ol' Joe and tell 'em "Josh" sent ya over.
"Molon Labe"
Go Phillies
<< <i>Large submitters >>
Be careful colebear! Some people here may be offended
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>
<< <i>Large submitters >>
Be careful colebear! Some people here may be offended
sensitivity training here I come
The magic number used to be 1000 per month!! But it does exist....
If you can provide X number of cards per month they will grade for Y dollars.
If you can provide a number of cards > x....they will grade for Y plus and additional amount off.
The more you can promise them...the better the isn't even close to what people rumor it to be!! To get down under the $5 is a feat (it does happen)...especially when the rate went up at the beginnig of the year.
They are pretty good at working out a deal, just call customer service and ask them about bulk submissions.
Half hours work...
ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!
That may not be the right number, but I guess my point was that the people/dealers I know who were getting significant discounts through PSA were doing it more through a volume program (e.g. X number of cards, guaranteed per month, etc.) rather than a one-shot, 5,000 card submission.
Heck -- it wasn't too many years ago that Solomon dropped off at PSA a 5,000 count box of 1990 Topps Sammy Sosa cards to be graded!
FWIW, also, I think PSA does offer some sort of incremental services to some of these submitters whereby only the 9s and 10s actually get encapsulated, and the lower condition cards are returned raw.