Stamps with Graded and Ungraded certs for sale
220 $70 NH color copy of PF cert for large multiple
241 $450 $1 Columbian, APS clean cert used small hinge remnant(easily soaked off)
234 $180 90 "previously hinged"
235 $155 90 "previously hinged"
257 $150 Mint OG PH(single) color copy of APS cert for the original block of 4(I personally submitted the original block)
267 $40 80J NH
267 $25 80 NH
267 $25 80 NH
270 $85 90 PH
279B $25 80 NH
279Bd $40 80 NH
279Bd $25 75 NH
297 $100 85 PH
296 $70 80 PH
302 $70 85 PH
319b $50 85 NH
319j $45 80 PH
319j $45 80 PH
378 $90 NH UNgraded PSE Huge margins,cert notes a light gum bend.
425 $35 NH UNgraded PSE cert
462 $80 90 NH
464 $400 95 USED Highest grade and one of only 3(which I own all 3)
494 $99 PAIR 90 PH (submitted as never hinged) purchased from a big dealer as NH.
503 $30 NH UNgraded PSE cert for original multiple.
515 $ 70 85J PH,plate #single
528 $155 90J NH (a 95 is valued at $240)
528B $45 80 NH cert notes tiny inclusion
535 $20 90 PH
559 $55 90 NH
561 $90 90 NH
564 $30 95 PH (submitted as NH, the mark is tough to see)
567 $40 UNgraded PSE cert for block of 6
588 $80 85 NH (some tiny skips probably kept this from being a 90)
615 $150 95 NH (cert notes tiny bit of green offset on the gum, large margins)
617 $120 95J NH (one misaligned perf hole kept this from being a 98J)
618 $100 95 NH
623 $75 90J NH (cert states "with misaligned perf holes at top and bottom" otherwise this would have gotten a much higher grade)
629 $80 95 NH
719 $50 95 NH
725 $99 95J NH (small inclusion kept this from a 98J, huge margins)
724 $50 95 NH
843 $70 LINE PAIR 90 NH (very well centered)
C2 $70 PH Photocopy of PF cert for block of 4
C18 $120 (zep) NH Large margins PF cert,I would call this VF-XF.
E12a $99 NH Ungraded PSE cert(the scarcer "deep ultramarine")
Very reasonable prices, check your copy of the current SMQ.
Any questions concerns? Feel free to post them.
I am APS member #195125
Shipping on stamps is flexible and will only charge my cost to mail them.
241 $450 $1 Columbian, APS clean cert used small hinge remnant(easily soaked off)
234 $180 90 "previously hinged"
235 $155 90 "previously hinged"
257 $150 Mint OG PH(single) color copy of APS cert for the original block of 4(I personally submitted the original block)
267 $40 80J NH
267 $25 80 NH
267 $25 80 NH
270 $85 90 PH
279B $25 80 NH
279Bd $40 80 NH
279Bd $25 75 NH
297 $100 85 PH
296 $70 80 PH
302 $70 85 PH
319b $50 85 NH
319j $45 80 PH
319j $45 80 PH
378 $90 NH UNgraded PSE Huge margins,cert notes a light gum bend.
425 $35 NH UNgraded PSE cert
462 $80 90 NH
464 $400 95 USED Highest grade and one of only 3(which I own all 3)
494 $99 PAIR 90 PH (submitted as never hinged) purchased from a big dealer as NH.
503 $30 NH UNgraded PSE cert for original multiple.
515 $ 70 85J PH,plate #single
528 $155 90J NH (a 95 is valued at $240)
528B $45 80 NH cert notes tiny inclusion
535 $20 90 PH
559 $55 90 NH
561 $90 90 NH
564 $30 95 PH (submitted as NH, the mark is tough to see)
567 $40 UNgraded PSE cert for block of 6
588 $80 85 NH (some tiny skips probably kept this from being a 90)
615 $150 95 NH (cert notes tiny bit of green offset on the gum, large margins)
617 $120 95J NH (one misaligned perf hole kept this from being a 98J)
618 $100 95 NH
623 $75 90J NH (cert states "with misaligned perf holes at top and bottom" otherwise this would have gotten a much higher grade)
629 $80 95 NH
719 $50 95 NH
725 $99 95J NH (small inclusion kept this from a 98J, huge margins)
724 $50 95 NH
843 $70 LINE PAIR 90 NH (very well centered)
C2 $70 PH Photocopy of PF cert for block of 4
C18 $120 (zep) NH Large margins PF cert,I would call this VF-XF.
E12a $99 NH Ungraded PSE cert(the scarcer "deep ultramarine")
Very reasonable prices, check your copy of the current SMQ.
Any questions concerns? Feel free to post them.
I am APS member #195125
Shipping on stamps is flexible and will only charge my cost to mail them.