Would it be possible to round up all non-paying....Update.

bidders and relocate them to a remote island somewhere so they wont have access to any computers?
Kinda like England did when all the convicts were sent to Australia . It could be called "Ebay Exile Island"
I say its worth a shot.
I "sold" an auto'd jersey 2 weeks ago only to have the buyer flake. The final price was $200.00 something. He will be receiving his first neg in about 2 days.
I relisted it and it just sold for $75.00
So I'm now out $125.00 because of some waste of space no-paying bidder!
Man, this makes me mad!
Kinda like England did when all the convicts were sent to Australia . It could be called "Ebay Exile Island"
I say its worth a shot.
I "sold" an auto'd jersey 2 weeks ago only to have the buyer flake. The final price was $200.00 something. He will be receiving his first neg in about 2 days.
I relisted it and it just sold for $75.00

Man, this makes me mad!
At the end of the show the person voted out will be humanly "put down" by the local cannibal population.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>What was the 2nd highest bid on the original auction? >>
It was some dude in South America and I didnt want the hassle of shipping outside the USA.
I changed the shipping options to say "only usa bidders" on the second auction.
1994 Pro Line Live
Haven't gotten a dead beat bidder for a couple of years now. It used to be way worse.
One night about 4 years ago,
some zero feedback dead beat idiot won 50 or so of my auctions and then crawled back under his rock ...
What a pisser for you! Are you sure it wasn't Zef ...
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
The frame is very large so I gave the option for the winner to either buy the complete thing or just the jersey to save on shipping.
Well wouldnt you know, the second buyer wants the jersey only, no frame
Oh well, at least there was some good news today
1994 Pro Line Live
1) in front of a firing squad? <-------- this is my vote
2) in a tank full of piranias and watch them being eaten alive?
3) in a giant vat full of acid?
4) tied up on a train track and pull up a lawn chair and watch the fun?
5) have all their fingers cut off and make them eat it so they can never type again
As you can tell....I can't stand them either.
<< <i>Would it be possible to round up all non-paying bidders and put them ....
1) in front of a firing squad? <-------- this is my vote
2) in a tank full of piranias and watch them being eaten alive?
3) in a giant vat full of acid?
4) tied up on a train track and pull up a lawn chair and watch the fun?
5) have all their fingers cut off and make them eat it so they can never type again
As you can tell....I can't stand them either. >>
I like what you did with option 2
1994 Pro Line Live
My Auctions
<< <i>
1994 Pro Line Live
Related topic.
Last week+, an AH buyer BINed a $15.00 card.
Paid on the second day with an echeck. The
thing took 5-days to clear, but I shipped on
the 3rd day because he sent me a psycho email
telling me he needed the card "ASAP."
One day after I ship, he emails wanting to know
where the card is. I was pretty sure he was crazy
and would NEG me.
He has bought more than 300 items in the past 30-days,
from numerous sellers.
I got to looking at his FB. It was in the mid-90s.
In the past week he has made numerous claims
to PayPal; says all of his boxes are arriving empty,
and that the sellers are shipping empty boxes.
Tonight, he was NARUd. (I guess for trying to rip
all of the sellers on the empty-box scam.)
If he does not make a comeback, I am safe.
That is the kind of carp sellers have to put up with.
It is also why I stopped leaving FB upon payment.
EDITED: for what I meant to add to this thread.
This kind of BS also makes things chiddy for buyers outside the US.
One of the sellers I've contacted just recently, told me to add a note with my MO stating that they would not be held responsible for any items lost or damaged when shipping outside the US. For me it's a small price to pay.
I told him to take a hike then. I told him he should state in his auctions that he doesn't combine shipping. I also asked if he was going to ship both auctions separately?? Nope, So i told him to report me to e-bay as a NPB and give them the reason why i will not pay and see what e-bay has to say about this.
Over a 6000+ rating he has to boot seller: greatdeals714 If you don't mind paying high shipping costs then bid on his auctions !!
What really gets my goat is when I make my payment and the seller waits a few weeks anyway before shipping. I bought about $200.00 worth of cards from a seller about two weeks ago. The seller has immaculate feedback and we exchanged a ton of e-mails back and forth right after the auction ended discussing cards. He said that he'd get the package in the mail on Saturday (This was a week ago). He is based out of Virginia and I'm here in Connecticut. No matter what USPS service you use, it should only take about 3 or 4 days to arrive. (The longest time I've ever had to wait for a domestic package to arrive was 5 days (Including weekends) and that was from Alaska). It has now been 10 days since it was shipped and I'm starting to grow concerned. How much longer am I willing to wait before formally complaining? Unfortunately, he's not responding to any e-mails so I don't know if he got hurt, or just decided to take the money and run.