Best wax box in the last 25 to secure a high R.O.I?

Is there any? I was thinking about busting some boxes in the coming weeks to sell and maybe put together a set. Of course the cards will be graded once the box is busted.
I have my eyes on 84 Topps baseball and football....are there any others that may yield some good returns?
I have my eyes on 84 Topps baseball and football....are there any others that may yield some good returns?
Pete Rose PSA Basic Set
Johnny Bench PSA Basic Set
You want a box where you can have a slightly better than average break and still end up ok.
- 87 Topps FB is cheap and fun, and if you get a low pop or big RC 10 you could easily double your money. There are a ton of people collecting 85 Topps FB, so if you get a clean box it could yield some high dollar 10s or even 9s (Payton..).
- I did well with a 1993 SP football box and I didn't even pull a Bettis. A lot of smaller RCs (Bledsoe, Lynch, Brunell etc....) and big names (Marino, Favre, Montana) to give you a chance at a high dollar 10. I paid $90 for my box and came out ahead after grading and selling.
- 1986 Topps baseball rack boxes can yield a few 10s. If you get the right card (any low pop 10 HOFer) you could make a killing with very little invested.
I ran an experiment for an entire year where I did nothing but buy, bust, grade and sell to see if I could make a profit. For the most part, you want to avoid any set where 1 or 2 big cards are driving the price up (84 and 86 Topps FB, 82 Topps BB.....).
you may want to check out the 86 tiffany sets as well.