I remember hearing back in 1984 (when I was 12) about how tough the 84 Donruss were to find. Sure enough, they sold out in record time. Well, a good amount of time after baseball card season ended, lo and behold, I walked into the local drug store and found an entire box that must have gotten lost in the storeroom. I scraped together my allowance money and bought the whole thing. I don't collect 84 Donruss now, so I decided to go through my box and pull all of the ones that are nicely centered with sharp corners. I didn't put anything aside that I didn't think had a good chance at a 9.
You 84 Donruss guys can look through the list and let me know if you need any of them for your sets.
1. Andre Thorton #94 2. Milt May #386 3. Dickie Thon #304 4. Mark Thurmond #505 5. Garry Maddox #305 6. Al Williams #316 7. Denny Walling #641 8. Goose Gossage #396 9. Darrell Porter #303 10. Willie Upshaw #315 11. Bill Schroeder #515 12. Ray Knight DK #12 13. Brook Jacoby #542 14. Pete Falcone #385 15. Bob Bailor #595 16. Buddy Bell #56 17. Andy Hassler #255 18. Steve Henderson #389 19. John Canderlaria #357 20. Andy McGaffigan #309 21. Randy Johnson #321 22. Nick Esasky #602 23. Ed Romero #89 24. Rick Admas #85 25. Tom Seaver #116 26. Mark Huismann #339 27. Hal McRae DK #11 28. John Mizerock #380 29. Tom Tellmann #149 30. David Von Ohlen #205 31. Checklist #5 32. Bob Welch #153 33. Cesar Cedeno #306 34. Len Matuszek #549 35 Derrel Thomas #397 36. Walt Terrl #640 37. Bob Meacham #336 38. Gary Woods #144
You 84 Donruss guys can look through the list and let me know if you need any of them for your sets.
1. Andre Thorton #94
2. Milt May #386
3. Dickie Thon #304
4. Mark Thurmond #505
5. Garry Maddox #305
6. Al Williams #316
7. Denny Walling #641
8. Goose Gossage #396
9. Darrell Porter #303
10. Willie Upshaw #315
11. Bill Schroeder #515
12. Ray Knight DK #12
13. Brook Jacoby #542
14. Pete Falcone #385
15. Bob Bailor #595
16. Buddy Bell #56
17. Andy Hassler #255
18. Steve Henderson #389
19. John Canderlaria #357
20. Andy McGaffigan #309
21. Randy Johnson #321
22. Nick Esasky #602
23. Ed Romero #89
24. Rick Admas #85
25. Tom Seaver #116
26. Mark Huismann #339
27. Hal McRae DK #11
28. John Mizerock #380
29. Tom Tellmann #149
30. David Von Ohlen #205
31. Checklist #5
32. Bob Welch #153
33. Cesar Cedeno #306
34. Len Matuszek #549
35 Derrel Thomas #397
36. Walt Terrl #640
37. Bob Meacham #336
38. Gary Woods #144