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Anyone deal with this Ebay seller before? Shipping/Insurance Issues!!!

Although I already know that it's best to do your research before you bid, blocksportscards seemed to have solid enough feedback...and the card looked great. Here's the link:


My high bid was $235. He wants to charge me $8 to ship the card and an additional $7 to insure it!!! I've emailed him 3 times without a response about what shipping methods he plans on using for the $15 on a $235 card. I reminded him that the USPS would only charge $4.40 to insure it. Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone deal with him before? It looks like from his feedback that he's had a few negatives withdrawn, but there were problems with shipping timeliness and lack of response.


  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Your dilemna has only just begun.

    Forget about getting a reply for your emails.

    heck you could call his cell and not get a reply.

    best you pony up the dough and prepare for a long wait.

    sorry, wish you had come here vefore you placed the bid.

    Good for you.
  • The shipping and insurance are stated clearly in the description. If you didn't like those terms you should not have bid.

    I often withhold bidding on items because a seller wants to scr*w you on the shipping/insurance. It is also an indication of just what kind of person you will have to deal with if you win. Chalk it up to experience and pay the $15
    << image >>
  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    Steve is right - there are numerous threads here about his lack of customer service.

    But, as much as I disagree with shipping and insurance ripoffs, he does lay it out exactly as he charged you in the auction template - right under all those great customer service accolades! Pretty funny stuff, actually.

    Good luck, I hope you get your card at some point.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    Sellers who attempt to charge more than the actual
    cost of insurance are in violation of EBAY's TOS.
    This seller routinely engages in this practice.

    When buyers see listing terms that seem "wrong,"
    they should just move on.

    Some buyers no longer bid on anything with a seller
    who does not accept PayPal. When a PayPal seller
    tries to hit me for insurance fees, I simply decline
    the coverage; PayPal and a credit card is the only
    "insurance" I need.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • The numerous mutually withdrawn feedbacks stopped me from bidding on one of his 57's recently anf the crazy shipping/insurance charges will keep me from ever bidding on any of his auctions in the future.
  • I know I'm a dummy for not seeing that insurance was required. I just looked at the $8 and figured that would be enought for 1st class postage and insurance. Obviously, my mistake. It's probably why he didn't get more for the card. I guess I'll just ending up paying it and maybe filling a complaint with Ebay from flargrantly overcharging when I get it.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "I guess I'll just ending up paying it and maybe filling a complaint
    with Ebay from flagrantly overcharging when I get it. "


    That is your best route, if you want the card.

    EBAY will not "punish" the seller AFTER the deal is done,
    but they WILL keep a record of his infraction.

    ALL of his listings contain the same TOS violation
    and could be reported for same. EBAY would likely
    force him to change his terms.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    I also recently purchased a card from this outfit. Thankfully, I saw the amounts in his description and bid accordingly. I really wanted the card so he got his ridiculous amounts.
  • Any suggestion on paying this guy by check or money order? Paypal would make me feel a whole lot safer, but he doesn't take it (shock).
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Not for nothing but the way he has the terms written is a tad confusing.

    9 lines ???


    larry is one of the lamest sellers I have ever come across.

    Good for you.
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    what a dick to charge MORE for the insurance than the USPS does!

    I absolutely despise dirtbags like that.
  • Yeah, certainly a rip off. I think I'm going to send a check. I'd rather deal with my bank than the post office if anything funky goes down. If I'm going to wait anyways for the card, at least he can sit on the check for his required 10 day minimum. I guess no one told him that checks clear a lot faster in '07 than '97.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    10 days? you will be lucky to see that card in 30.

    Good for you.
  • The way I bid...

    As long as they list shipping and insurance, fine. I don't care if they charge $50 to mail a card, as I'm simply going to work that into my bid amount.

    If they don't list shipping/insurance charges, I don't bid, period.

    I'm a negative person by nature - if they don't list the stuff, I just assume I'm going to have problems with them, and life is too short...

    Collecting my sports heroes, Roger Staubach and Kirby Puckett.
  • I sent a company check off today after hearing from the board. I never heard back from him. Hopefully the card will be as nice as he says it is.
  • Mickey71Mickey71 Posts: 4,261 ✭✭✭✭
    These type of stories are disturbing to me. Isn't or was this seller a PSA authorized dealer? I used to see an article in SMR every month. I would suggest that nobody bid on his auctions. It sounds like there have been more problems than ins. and shipping amounts.
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