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The Grand Gnome Speaks

I want to thank all of you that participated in the VTH Halftime. I enjoyed all the postings and had quite a few laughs. There were some that caused my sides to hurt from laughing so much.

First of all, I had expectations I would get at least one, if not more than one of the usual Jimmy Hoffa jokes. The first “Honorable Mention” goes to SilverDreams for his caption. He didn’t let me down.

"The Don said Hoffa was buried around here."

As I was creating and writing the caption contest thread, I had thoughts of modifying the picture to include something very obscure. That way maybe I could get some very weird captions that might even push the edge of good taste. Hence, I thought of pasting in the picture the garden gnome you are familiar with. When I didn’t like the pasting job I had done - it occurred to me to include the picture in some manner that would allow you folks to run with it. I did expect that at least one person would mistaken the gnome picture for the one I had intended. In the end I got several captions where the little guy was pasted in the picture. The next “Honorable Mention” goes to marym for her erroneous, but hilarious caption…

"Wife-o-mine, it's happened again, the thief was after me gold. Now go get me probe & digger..."

In the spirit of good humor I also encouraged that folks post captions that would take good humored pokes at some of the more notorious members of the message board. Here again I wasn’t disappointed. I knew that at least one would be in reference to Lordmarcovan. My third ”Honorable Mention’ goes to Omega for his caption of the CrockOCoins modified picture.

"Lord Marcovan takes over as Community Service Coordinator for the Texas Department of Corrections."

Even though the Designated Diggers weren’t in the running to win the Bag O’ Crap, I felt that in all fairness they should be allowed to participate. I definitely was not disappointed. Jerry kept us all in stitches for his almost daily postings of Photoshop modified pictures. One in particular that caused me to spew soda everywhere was simple in content, yet hilarious in reality. Any person that has been focused on their hunting can appreciate the humor in this next caption/picture.


Need I say more? It has happened to me more than once. And every time, it’s scared the __________ (fill in the blank) out of me. Again Jerry, I hail thee as "Photoshop Extraordinaire”

Also, I must give Lordmarcovan “Honorable Mention” for one of his postings. I can just imagine the reaction the guys in the picture would have looking up and seeing Godzilla and a giant cat coming over the hill. Priceless!


It’s time to announce the winner of the Treasure Filled Bag O’ Crap Wow, there so many good captions and funnies to choose from.

The winner is Smokinjoe925 for his surreal but typical attitude toward the hazards of metal detecting.


Congratulations Smokinjoe925!

Thanks again folks for participating in the halftime thread. There were so many good captions and funnies contributed to the thread. You did great and I wish I could give all of you a Bag O’ Crap for the laughs.

GoldRush...Are you out in the snow?

The End



  • ALRIGHT!!!! MY VERY OWN BAG-O-CRAP!!!!!! Great captions everyone. And thanks for an awsome VTH halftime to go with an awsome VTH III.

  • Gary, That was fun. Good Job. WTG Joe. Injoy your "Treasure Filled Bag O’ Crap" ;-)


  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Thanks Gary, this has been great entertainment over the past several weeks. image

    Congrats Joe!!! We can't wait to hear what's in your Bag-O-Crap!

    Hey Jerry, don't stop now! You've been beyond funny with your captions, thank you!!!
    Be Still and Know
  • Thank you Mary ;-)

  • OmegaOmega Posts: 1,587 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, I almost won a bag o'crap!!! Too funny! Thanks for the entertainment. As if on cue, the snow is melting fast and furious! Time to load some batteries...
  • Sweet! Do we get Honorable Mention awards for our sig lines!? image
    I lust for silver.
  • Hey, Just thought I'd let you know I receved it in the mail today and I should have some pics up shortly. I was supprised to see some things that were found in the VTH... or what look like them. The family has taken some interest to the bag too, they keep picking at the jewlery and coins lol.

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pictures, man, we want pictures! Wanna see what was in your Bag O' Crap!!!

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Well I have the pics... but the program to take them off the camera is not cooperating... I should have them up in a few days.

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