Your most memorable..."I got to meet 'so and so'." thread.

Even though I enjoyed seeing the likes of Namath, Mantle, Ali, and half a dozen others at a Nationals show in the early '90's in Houston and others at various other venues, I have to say my favorite sports figure to have met is Jim Zorn former Seahawks QB.
It was '86 and I was in my first year of service in the Air Force. I was home for a week and a good friend of mine who was still in his senior year of high school called and asked if I'd like to go to a breakfast with some other guys. Well we get to a local hotel connected to our one and only mall and enter this small banquet room. I'm thinking to myself...I sure hope this isn't an Amway meeting. We get into the food line and then set down at a small round table. Up walks this gentleman and he asks politely if he could eat with us. I'm like, "Sure." We make introductions and small talk abounds over the course of the next 40 minutes. He's asking me about my life, my family etc. Then he says quietly..."Oh I guess it's time for me now." He stands up and the mc says, "I'd like to introduce Jim Zorn, former quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks." Well my jaw drops, and I take a look at my friend, who by the way is a Seahawk fan. Never did he explain why or what the breakfast was about or did he ever let on who our guest was. Looking back I can now see why my friend seemed so nervous. I felt so bad I didn't recognize Jim Zorn but it definitely shows that certain players exude an amount of class above the others.
It was '86 and I was in my first year of service in the Air Force. I was home for a week and a good friend of mine who was still in his senior year of high school called and asked if I'd like to go to a breakfast with some other guys. Well we get to a local hotel connected to our one and only mall and enter this small banquet room. I'm thinking to myself...I sure hope this isn't an Amway meeting. We get into the food line and then set down at a small round table. Up walks this gentleman and he asks politely if he could eat with us. I'm like, "Sure." We make introductions and small talk abounds over the course of the next 40 minutes. He's asking me about my life, my family etc. Then he says quietly..."Oh I guess it's time for me now." He stands up and the mc says, "I'd like to introduce Jim Zorn, former quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks." Well my jaw drops, and I take a look at my friend, who by the way is a Seahawk fan. Never did he explain why or what the breakfast was about or did he ever let on who our guest was. Looking back I can now see why my friend seemed so nervous. I felt so bad I didn't recognize Jim Zorn but it definitely shows that certain players exude an amount of class above the others.
Why step over the dollar to get to the cent? Because it's a 55DDO.
Why step over the dollar to get to the cent? Because it's a 55DDO.
Not a big name or great story, but I think that's how I like it
I played high school football against dan marino (we got clobbered) and delivered mail to olympic gold medal wrestler bruce baumgartner. Last season I was lucky enough to spend a weekend with the Rams at Lambeau Field including being on the field and spending time with players and coaches.
Met Packers DT Mike McCoy in high school in 1976, he went to my high school.
That's it for me I guess.
I have a ton of autographs and memorabilia from those days that I would never part with. Unfortunatley the Bengals moved their training camp to Kentucky.
Pete Rose PSA Basic Set
Johnny Bench PSA Basic Set
Also spent an afternoon (3 hours) with Jeff Gordon, business not pleasure.
Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards
My PSA Registry Sets
34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
Collecting Jordan graded cards,
Jordan #d cards,
Wanted: Bill Quackenbush cards
1. Dec '89 --- I was celebrating my 13th birthday with my family at Fuddrucker's in Minneapolis. Growing up a huge Cowboys fan, I recognized Herschel Walker right away sitting at a nearby table with a few other Vikings (I believe one was Wade Wilson). He had just been traded to the Vikes in one the biggest blockbusters in NFL history. Anyway, after I finished eating, my two littler brothers and I went over to his table to say hello and get his autograph. He asked what we were up to and I told him it was my birthday. No joke, he and the rest of the guys sang me happy birthday. It was so cool!
2. Spring '99 --- Interning for the Nashville Predators NHL club during their inaugural season, the Rangers came to Nashville for one game that year. After the games, usually all visiting players leave through a downstairs hallway and out to their bus, during which they pass by screaming fans waiting by a gate. Because it was Wayne Gretzky (in his last season, no less), it was pure pandemonium. Anyway, Wayne ended up going through a sort of secret tunnel to bypass the regular route to the bus. Myself and other person were able to greet him inside of that tunnel. I shook his hand and told him what an honor it was to meet him. I kid you not --- there was a yoda-like presence around the guy. It cannot be explained, but the "legend-ness" of him created an aura around him. It was very cool!
------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
Jimmy Conners, Quinn Buckner, Phil Jackson, Ron Harper, Marcus Allen, Pete Sampras, Wayne Gretzky, Claude Lemuix and Michael Jordon. It was trip to see all these great atheletes in one spot. So after they warmed up, I was up at the driving range resetting some golf balls when I see a club that was left behind. I grab it and it has a grip the size of a paper towel roll and the club head has MJ engraved. So I take it out the group and say "MJ missing something" he looks in his bag, looks and me and laughs, says "thanks I would not have gotten far without my 7 iron". Anyway ends up they all play for $25K a hole, MJ wins $150K in the day.
dial back to the year 1980, late September, Dodger was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and the Dodgers needed to beat Houston to force a one-game playoff for the division title, a game they won....a friend and i were waiting in line to purchase tickets to the playoff, and here comes Dusty Baker walkin' the line, high-fiving EVERYONE, and he had his young son riding shotgun on his shoulder, and their smiles were he passed us, i handed him a pack of chewing gum and he said, "Thanks, man."
see if you can guess who i like better
Check out my Facebook page
I met Branford Marsalis when he was playing in Sting's Dream of the Blue Turtles band in the mid '80's before a show. Talked with him for @ 5 minutes about Jazz. Very cool and pleasant.
A few years ago at a party in Chicago, my brothers ran into Barry Bonds. We had talked with him at Wrigley during batting practice(my brother might have taken a picture with him in the dugout, but I don't remember). We used to see guys all the time on the field before we went upstairs in the press box(I don't work there, but was usually a guest), but we kept it low keyed. Bonds didn't know us from Adam.
Anyway, they see him at the party, and my brother comes up and gives him a huge 'hello' whack on the back of his shoulder. Bonds looked at him, and he could have easily got angry or upset, but he just thought my brother was goofy(we are). There was good conversation for about 20 minutes, in which Bonds confessed a hatred for Jeff Kent. He said Kent was a racist. Bonds was very cool to the people there, especially my brother who broke the ice with the whack. Bonds didn't even come close to having any alcohol. He didn't stay long, but he won a few people over without a doubt.
Just thought i would share this.
1): When I was maybe 11 years old Phil Rizzuto was at a local mall signing autographs and I got to meet him and have him sign a baseball for me. I remember wearing a #10 Yankees Jersey and Rizzuto laughing out loud and smiling about the "young kid" wearing his number. He was a really nice guy and spent a good five minutes talking with me even though there was a long line of people.
2): Tim Raines. The Yankees had a AA team in Norwich for quite a few years and a lot of players did rehab assignment there. Raines was there a few times and he is one of the nicest players I'd ever met. He was doing his pre-game running in the outfield and I was sitting in the front row with a pen in my hand and a Yankees' Yearbook from that year. I wasn't even planning on bugging him, but he came running in towards the seats and started talking to me about the season and whatnot. He then asked if I wanted him to sign some things and I said "Sure!" So he signed the yearbook and a few baseballs for me.
3): Doc Gooden. A complete and utter dick. The guy was on rehab and wouldn't even talk to anybody. Thought he was better than god.
4): David Cone. The nicest person on the face of this Earth. In 1996 he had that aneurysm and was doing his first rehab assignment in Norwich. It was his first start since the surgery and ESPN was there televising the game. (I also met Steve Levy who was COMPLETELY drunk that night). Anyway, after the game ended a bunch of people were waiting outside of his SUV and I decided to wait as well. There were probably 500 people waiting around his car. Cone came out looking quite tired and his wife looking a bit annoyed. Cone waded through to his car, with the help of security, and said "I'll sign ONE thing for everbody, but that's it. I'm tired and my wife and I want to get home." He then proceeded to sign something for every single person who was there. He signed my Yankees Yearbook for me and a hat for my dad. A few days later, I was at the ballpark to buy tickets for a game later that week and I guess it was Cone's next scheduled rehab start. I had just gotten my tickets, the ballpark was pretty empty as it was 11:00 in the morning, and in pulls Cone's SUV. He gets out and we start talking and he grabs a few baseballs from his bags in the back of the car and signs them for me and talks with me for a good 30 minutes or so. As a 16 year old kid, it was one of the coolest things I'd ever have happen. Coney earned a TON of my respect that year and it was awesome when he threw that Perfect Game in 1999.
5): Yogi Berra. I went to college in West Chester Pennsylvania where Yogi Berra's grandson was going to college at the same time. One day I'm walking down by the athletic fields on my daily walks when I see this old guy near the ballfield who looked a LOT like Yogi Berra. As I got closer, I just had to stop and say "Excuse me sir, but you look a LOT like Yogi Berra." Yogi then said "It's a good thing I do look like Yogi Berra otherwise I'd look like someone else!" He then mentioned how he was there to see his grandson play and it just kind of floored me. We talked for a very little bit and in retrospect I'm kind of upset that I didn't have a pen on me or anything to get his autograph. Instead I just shook his hand and talked with him for a while.
6): Frank Howard. Met him and got some autographs when he was at the Norwich AA ballpark a few years ago. Nice guy and a HUGE guy, even for an older gentleman.
7): Mel Stottlmyre. When I went to a Division Series game at Yankee Stadium back in 1999 I got stuck by the player's exit on my way out to the car. Security, for some reason, didn't see me making my way through to my car and trapped me between the bus and the player's exist. As I'm trying to get through Mel walked out of the stadium and I got to say "Hi" and shake his hand before I finally caught up with my friends and got to the car.
1) Around 2000 or 2001, I used to eat breakfast with some coworkers several times per week and a little diner on the North Side of Pittsburgh. The place is called Lindos. It is a greek joint, but the owner was named Mohamed – really. We all had our regular seats, and the whole staff knew us. One morning we walked in, and a group of men were sitting at our regular table. Franco Harris was in my seat.
I told the waitress that I would let it slide, but the next time it happened Mr. Harris would have to move. She didn’t get it. She had no idea who he was.
2) Around the same time, some friends and I were in a strip club in Pittsburgh’s strip district (that’s not why it is called the strip district), and Rickey Henderson walked in. He is one of my all-time favorites. I told my buddies, “Hey, there’s Rickey Henderson.” I had actually met him at Three Rivers before. They said, “No way. That guy is only five-eight” I said, “That’s Rickey @#$% Henderson. Hey, Rickey!” He walked right over and started to chat with us. One guy asked what he was doing in town, and right out of Something About Mary, he said, “I’m playing the Pirates.” There was a stripper trying to peddle a lap dance. I told her that was Rickey Henderson, and that he had stolen more bases than Ty Cobb and Lou Brock. She shook his hand and congratulated him…she had no idea who he was.
He hung out for a while and talked with us. We offered him a drink, and he declined. He did not stay at the club long.
Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
My Pirates Collection
Had sex with an Ottawa Rough Rider's (Canadian Football League team) cheerleader many years ago. Don't remember her name but she had fantastic breasts.
1) I was preparing a client of mine, Leroy Staley, for a deposition. as we talked, I noticed he wore a huge sports ring. I asked him where did he get that from. did he used to play sports? and yes, he did: basketball. he was a teammate of larry bird and covered (or tried to) magic johnson during the 1979 ncaa championship game. so we talked for a long time about the game, and playing with bird, and just the excitement of that season. although he is not a household name, he played alongside and with the best of the best, and in one of the most-well-known games in history. he was so down-to-earth. just a cool conversation.
2) before a weekend of fun gambling with Dan Akroyd and crew members of several Nascar teams in Vegas, I spent an evening in Scottsdale for Spring Training. I ended up drinking with Ken Kal (for you Red Wings fans) and several Mariners (who I just do not recall their names). Too much fun and talk to put into a family-oriented listserve.
and finally 3) back in junior high, a friend and I would hang out at the Sheraton Hotel, right next to Arlington Stadium, where the Rangers played. Visiting teams usually stayed at the Sheraton. one time the Angels were in town. 1987. I and several other teenagers and old men hung out in the lobby waiting for players to come out of the elevators on their way to the stadium or out to eat or just returning from something. Several players would walk by and some would be nice and sign autographs. Some of course would not. And everyone waited for Wally Joyner. (Remember him? He was the stud at the time.) He eventually showed up but did not sign autos. Doug DeCinces signed. Jerry Reuss. Some others. But as I tired of standing around, I eventually sat in an area off to the side of the lobby. A graying man came, sat next to me, asked me what I was doing, who I was waiting for, and then asked to see my cards. So I handed him a stack of my 86 and 87 Topps cards. He looked through them, grabbed two, pulled out a pen and signed them. He handed them back to me. And then just chatted things up with me. Future HOF Don Sutton. For the next hour or so, he asked other people if he could sign their cards of him. But not a single person had a card of him. And many did not know who he was. Little did I know that he would be in the HOF.
As for non-sports, my most recent was flying in a 10 person prop plane with Tiffany Thiessen (Saved by the Bell and Melrose Place fame) in Costa Rica. Now that is one beautiful woman.
Successful transactions with bouwob, lifeshouldbefun, SDSportsFan, Bkritz, tsalems1, kwtoz, johnny1976, Topps29, Calaban7, nascar20, bking, bedellsonics, Beck6, Dialj, Echocanyon, mdkuom, gosteelers, artimus.
1966, Channel 5 Studios Boston... I was on the Bozo show. Anyone else?
<< <i>zef met Gary Daggett once. Hand to God.
Lee >>
<< <i>I met Babe Ruth.
mike >>
Mike, that is a great story. I always appreciate your perspective on here.
If anyone was watching the games, I was the guy in the Bears hat behind Musberger and Lavin anytime they showed the 2 of them.
My Auctions
That's about it for me.
My wife has had more brushes with fame than I have -- she's met Walter Payton and Barbara Bush.
When I was in the 4th grade, I "went out with" Keith Moreland's daughter. That's what we called it back then. I met Keith many times and he was always very nice to me.
I was very good friends in high school with Phil Jackson's daughter and met Phil many times as well. I was late for a group project meeting at their house and when I got there, I apologized for being late. Phil said, "That would have cost you $1000 in my business."
When Horace Grant and Scottie Pippen were rookies, I was with a few friends at the local mall. We met them and chatted with them for a while. Horace gave us his phone number and told us to have our parent's call if we wanted some tickets. I actually talked my mom into calling and we did get tickets. We invited him over for dinner a few weeks later and he actually came! I think I was 11 so that was pretty cool.
I sat next to Ernie Banks at a Bulls game about 10 years ago. He LOVED talking baseball!
I was bartending about 5 years ago and Ron Santo came into the restaurant I was working at. He went to sit at a table and I walked out from the bar to go say hello. I walked up and said, "Mr Santo, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I am a big fan and I love listeneing to you on the radio. Also, I have a bunch of your cards and they are some of my favorites in my collection." He was nice and thanked me. After his meal he went out of his way to stop by the bar and shake my hand and say, "I always appreciate when people tell me they appreciate what I do. Thank you."
That was one of my favorite encounters ever! I love listening to Ron doing the Cubs radio broadcasts and for him go out of his way to thank me for coming up to him was really something else.
Oh yeah, I met Bill Clinton at my friend's family restaurant in Lincolnwood when Clinton was having dinner there.
My Auctions
Ripken in the Minors * Ripken in the Minors Facebook Page
My favorite moment was running into Steve Young in a Salt Lake City hotel elevator (~1993). He was one heck of a nice guy and I had a Dallas Cowboys hat on at the time.
Funny story: sometime around 1995 my wife and I are flying to Las Vegas, we are on the plane and in our seats when this 6'9" bald headed black guy comes walking on the plane and I yell out "HEY TOO TALL!" he politely waves and my wife jerks me around saying, "why are you poking fun at that big guy? He's gonna come over her and pound you!!!
Another funny story: my wife calls me one day at home saying that she has just been told that Hank Aaron is gonna be in the Delta Crown room in Seattle and since she is there would I like her to go get his autograph. I said sure, that would be nice. So she asks me what he looks like and I describe him as a 5' 10", 60-ish black man and my wife responds; "Hank Aaron is black?" <- true story
For you Steeler fans, at Three Rivers Stadium, you used to be able to wander into the parking lot and meet the players/coaches after a game. When I was in high school, in subzero weather, I met Chuck Noll (also got John Stallworth / Donnie SHellto sign) and we talked for about 5 minutes although I was a bit starry-eyed. I also saw Jerome Bettis eating at the old Woodson's restaurant with his mom, dad, and family, but I didn't want to disturb him while he was eating. Donnie Shell was an assistant football coach at my high school - when he was hired, they had him come speak to students to talk about being responsible, etc, etc, and I went and met him. He actually let me try on his Super Bowl Ring! My high school produced Willie Williams, Lethon Flowers, and Peter Boulware - maybe he influenced them!
I met Ben Stiller and his Marcia Brady look-alike wife at a party. I randomly met Sandra Endo (of NY1) too. And Iron Chef Japanese at his restaurant :-)
When I was visiting my friend in Banff, Darryl Sittler was there signing autographs (as part of a promotion for Canon). Talked to him about hockey today for a few minutes. His handshake is very firm.
Completed my Clemente Basic Registry (2007 - 2014)!
Positive transactions with oakesy25,jasoneggert,swartz1,MBMiller25,gregm13,kid4hof03,HoopGuru33,Reese3333,BPorter26,Davemri,CuseSteve
I simply shook his hand and said it was a pleasure to meet him. I didn't make a huge fuss or ask for his autograph because he was with his family. A great memory!
Then one time I got a death stare from Rafael Palmeiro when he struck out and I told him he should have taken more Viagra. Maybe he was worried that I would catch on to something else he was taking...
- My dad did Les Josephson's (LA Rams) taxes when we lived in Souix Falls, SD. Came over to our house numerous times.
- Jerry Tagge of Nebraska Cornhusker fame worked across the hall from the bank I worked at. Cashed many a check for him.
- My forehead ran into Bill Cartwright's belly button as I was walking around a corner in the Chicago airport. Pippen was with him.
A friend of mine drove Larry Bird to the hospital after he threw has back out playing Creighton in Omaha. His next door neighbor was the Creighton bench physician and therefore got to sit behind the bench and help out whenever he wanted to.
Current obsession, all things Topps 1969 - 1972
I have met former packers such as Bart Starr and John Anderson in person. I have paid to meet Favre and White for autos (those dont count as much). I saw Chmura at his golf club one summer afternoon, before his hot tub experinece.
I have also played with and against some of the top US and Canadian curlers. Also have partied with them as well. I am sure not many of you know any of them or much about curling.
Brett Favre Master Set
Favre Ticket Stubs
Favre TD Reciever Autos
Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
Football HOF Rc's
I grew up in Sacramento and San Fransisco. My Father was an Attorney and did consulting work for Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders. I went to every home game at Oakland Stadium from age 6-14 (about 1962-1976) and sat in the team box behind the bench. I knew all of the greats of the Raiders, Hendricks, Belitnakoff, Matuzak, Casper, Lester Hayes, The Snake, and all of the rest. To this day at age 50, I have never been and could never be anything but a Raider Fan through and through !!!!!!!!
Ok, the Rodman story. I was out of town working in Dallas and went to a Champ's Sports Bar there. It was around 1993 or so. and before meeting Rodman we saw Troy Aikman leaving the restaurant. We sit down and have a few drinks and it was time to use the men's room. There is a line to get in the men's room and as it is my turn to come into men's room, I come around the corner and come face to chin with Dennis Rodman. He has green hair and green fishnet shirt on and he is all muscles. We are standing chest to chest and he looks me up and down and says "bring it on little man" (I am 6'1" and around 180 then). I said I think I will and went around him to the urinal. Later after a few more beers I took a table tent over to him to sign. He takes it signs it and hands it back without ever looking at me. At his table were 4 very attractive blondes and two body guard looking guys. It is always a tough story to tell people that I met Rodman in a mens room.
Collecting Tony Perez PSA and Rookie Baseball PSA
I have had a few "brushes" with stars:
My mom was a nurse and worked with Rudy May's (Angels/Yanks pitcher late 1960s-1970s) mother and got to go to her house and meet him. He and Sandy Alomar were hanging out so we talked baseball for an hour or two. I was only 10 at the time so you can imagine what a thrill that was.
I used to work at the horse racing tracks and sell Racing Forms and had several "celebrity" customers including former Giants Bobby Bonds and Leon Wagner and 49ers Tom Rathman. Dimaggio was a frequest visitor but spent his time in the press box so I just saw him coming and going.
Shared an elevator with Smokey Robinson at Lake Tahoe during the annual Celebrity Golf Tourney.
But I have to say my ex-sister in law (huge sports fan) can top me in this department. She and her latest husband were golfing on the Monterrey Peninsula and were enjoying a quiet drink at the 19th hole when a group of men enter rather loudly and proceed to sit, drink and chat rather vociferously. She recognized the "ringleader" of the bunch so she actually quite enjoyed the show...
When the group was finished and breaking up the man came over to her and apologized if they were too loud.
My ex-sister in law told the man,
"Oh no problem, there's nothing to apologize for, however you SHOULD apologize for going into the Hall of Fame as a Yankee!"
With that, Reggie Jackson laughed, nodded his head and went on his way.
Maybe a year later, my dad and I went to the Angels ticket holder luncheon. This one was set up so after the meal was served, you could go around and get autographs from all the different players. As a lifelong Angels fan, I was so excited to finally get a team signed ball. Well after about an hour, I returned to the table to show my dad my ball covered in autographs. My dad informs me that sitting at our table is Jimmie Reese, who had been the with the Angels for like 30 years and was teammates with Babe Ruth back in the 30's. Anyway, he suggests I have him sign the ball. Reluctantly, I walk over and hand him my ball. To my disbelief, this old man, starts gripping the ball like a pitcher does when he's trying to scuff the ball a little. Since the ball was one of those synthetic souvenir balls, the ink had still not set and ended up completely smearing every single signature on the ball, but his own, Bob Boone's and Gene Autry. I still can't tell this story without my stomach turning.
Lastly, and non-sports related, I was in Vegas a few years ago at the Hard Rock hotel and noticed Jamie Fox chilling near "Babies" dance club. I walk over to him and tell him I'm a fan and that I think he was awesome on In Living Color. Well, apparently the combination of the vodka he was drinking and whatever he was stoned on made him friendly and he began to make small talk with me. I asked if he was going in and he said he was waiting to find some ladies to join him. Anyway, I walk away and get into this line that's about 2 hours from getting in. As he walks past me and my buddies he waves me over and invites us into his party. We ended up walking right into the club and hanging with his little posse. He ended up being a really cool guy who's funny as hell. He's a definite player, so I have a tough time taking him seriously anymore, but it was a hell of a feeling to have everyone in the club thinking we were friends of someone famous that night.
(1) Kevin Tighe from 'Emergency' when I was about 7, at the Detroit Auto Show. Too awestruck to remember much...
(2) Roman Gabriel at a small signing in South Carolina about 15+ years back. He took time to talk to everyone - nice enough guy, as he obviously wasn't doing it for the money. May have even been for charity...
Sidenote: He was hoping to get a shot at the coaching job for the new Carolina football team (aka Panthers), but it didn't happen. (He'd had a very bad season coaching early 90's in their local NFL sponsered World League, and was very honest that it would hurt his chances.)
(3) Tony Jones, offensive lineman for the Browns/Broncos through the 90's.
My friends and myself had stopped in a restaurant in Virginia, and one of the waitresses ran over telling us about this 'ballplayer' that was at a table across the room. (Place was fairly empty, between lunch and dinner.)
It was easy to tell which table, as there were about 6 waitresses there probably driving him and his family nuts - small town, so this was I guess a big deal to the waitresses to have someone 'famous' there.
Our waitress (who I vaguely knew) said I should go over and introduce myself since I was a football fan. I politely mentioned that he seemed to be getting enough attention from everyone else (hint hint to the staff), and I'd prefer to let the man eat in peace with his family.
Either 'karma', or maybe she told him what I had said, but on the way out he stopped by our table and began to chat. My friend (not a big football fan) says to him, "Hey, let me see that ring a little closer". (I resisted the urge to smack my friend at that point.)
Tony laughed, then took off his Super Bowl ring and handed it to us. I swear it seemed like it was about as big as my fist and weighed as much as a brick.
A class act all the way.