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Any buy Topps series blasters cause the heritage isn't out yet?

Just curious if this Jeter hype, and the delayed release of heritage boosted sales in wake of the sale of topps. i know I bought a few blasters, and a few jumbo packs of series one. i needed to rip somthing, and heritage was nowhere to be found


  • Every trip to look for Heritage usually ends up with some kind of purchase from the card aisle. It is just usally a pack or two to console myself for not finding any Heritage.

    Reds Team Set Collector (Raw)
    Pete Rose PSA Basic Set
    Johnny Bench PSA Basic Set
  • Bought four blasters at Target last week. No Jeter : (
    Take the plunge into my ebay store
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    I bought one blaster today. No Jeter but a lot of nice cards. This years black borders are nice.
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    The series one is really startng to grow on me, but it is just WAAAAY overloaded with MAntle crapola. See above thread!
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Im a huge Mantle fan but I very much agree that too much of one thing isn't good. It's quite overboard.
  • mkg809mkg809 Posts: 1,320 ✭✭
    I bought a blaster box yesterday, my first new Topps cards since 1992 and got a buttload of inserts. Is this normal? One pack had 3 inserts.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Same experience MKG
  • fandangofandango Posts: 2,622
    dont tell me the 2007 mantle inserts are more common than the 2006 Mantle Hr#1 card...i heard there were 20 million printed!!!!
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