Help in regards to seller "Buy It Now" on ebay

I've been doing on ebay as a seller, some "Buy It Now" at a fixed price, with say ten items available. I received a BIN for one item from a buyer with an unconfirmed address and I want to cancel the transaction. He did pay by PayPal but I just want to refund his money and cancel the transaction simply because I don't trust the unconfirmed address and he will not respond to my e-mails. I go to the seller area about canceling bids, type in the right information, but the ebay message keeps telling me that I do not have this buyer bidding on the sale.
Any help as to how to properly cancel this transaction would be appreciated.
Also - does this get canceled so that this buyer can't leave a neg in case he doesn't like this?
Any help as to how to properly cancel this transaction would be appreciated.
Also - does this get canceled so that this buyer can't leave a neg in case he doesn't like this?
It's to bad really, just to many scammers. I was unconfirmed for the first year or so.
One thing that bums me out is sellers like the 4 sharp corners guys??? I'm not sure why, but I can't even look at their auctions. Maybe they don't sell to Canadians, I don't know? But it bums me out that there's great cards out there that are unavailable to me. So too bad for that guy when you cancel his bid. But ya gotta do what you gotta do.
Don't know that you can cancel the transaction, and I'm 99% sure that you won't be able to somehow take away the buyer's ability to leave feedback.
One thing you can do, for the future, is set your PayPal prefrences so that your buyers cannot use PayPal without a confirmed address. Go into your PayPal profile, click on"payment receiving preferences" and you'll see what to do.
not much you can really do could try to see if he agrees to not complete the transaction to get your fees back. even with this you and he can both leave feedback for each other.
how do you know his address is not confirmed if he has not paypal'd you any money yet? upon receipt of payment is when one usually finds out the address is unconfirmed.
You can refund the money, and ask him to please get confirmed.
AND, show him how to do it.
Immediately after you issue the refund, go into your PP preferences
and add "confirmed address only." (If he tries to pay again, the
payment will be blocked; UNLESS, he does a bulk pay, in which
case the payment may/will slip through.)
MANY buyers are happy to have a seller show them how to get
confirmed. Just be really nice about it.
The buyer can still leave FB on the refunded transaction. SO, be
real nice and maybe you won't end up exchanging NEGs.
If it is a tiny amount of money, the other option is to ship with
DC and Signature Confirmation. This might help a little when/if the
INR chargeback comes; at least you could show PP that the guy was
good luck
When a seller refunds through PayPal AND subsequently
files a NPB with EBAY, the seller's claim prevails.
A "refunded payment" is now considered a payment not
received by the seller.
The WHOLE system is crazier than heck.
<< <i>He has already paid.
You can refund the money, and ask him to please get confirmed.
AND, show him how to do it.
Immediately after you issue the refund, go into your PP preferences
and add "confirmed address only." (If he tries to pay again, the
payment will be blocked; UNLESS, he does a bulk pay, in which
case the payment may/will slip through.)
MANY buyers are happy to have a seller show them how to get
confirmed. Just be really nice about it.
The buyer can still leave FB on the refunded transaction. SO, be
real nice and maybe you won't end up exchanging NEGs.
If it is a tiny amount of money, the other option is to ship with
DC and Signature Confirmation. This might help a little when/if the
INR chargeback comes; at least you could show PP that the guy was
good luck >>
Thanks guys! Really appreciated.
My understanding of PayPal as a seller, is ship to an unconfirmed address, and all the buyer has to do is say "I didn't get it" and it's case closed, the buyer gets a refund. Signatures and delivery confirmation don't matter to PayPal because I guess in their view, technically it may not have been the buyer who received it. That seems to be PayPal logic anyway.
Of course I don't have to ship the item and I can simply refund the buyer's money, but then I risk an ebay neg.
Ebay really needs to use a system whereby a seller can block ebay bidders and buyers who do not have a confirmed PayPal address. I mean it's the same company for crying out loud! From what I can see right now, a seller can block a PayPal transaction from an unconfirmed address, but not an ebay transaction. Once the auction is over or the BIN is activated, unless there is some other way of doing it which I'm not aware of, a seller can't know until then if the buyer's address is unconfimed or confirmed.
Perhaps unconfirmed PayPal addresses can somehow be blocked on ebay, but I have not found a way to do that yet if a way exists.
Really, an unconfirmed address scammer could click BINs all day long, or win auctions all day long, pay for them, then hope a percentage of sellers ship to his unconfiirmed address, then place the claims to PayPal that he didn't get the merchandise, and automatically receive the PayPal refund. Maybe "eventually" PayPal will cut this buyer off, it might be 3 claims in a given time period (I'm not sure), but in any event that's money in the scammer's pocket.
Of course the scammer buyer runs the risk of a seller not refunding his money after he pays with an unconfirmed address, but most if not all reputable sellers who refuse to ship to unconfirmed addresses, are going to immediately refund the buyer's PayPal money when seeing it's an unconfirmed address, and they won't ship to that unconfirmed address. But the reputable seller then risks negs from the scammers, who couldn't care less about negs they get because they're going NARU soon anyway, and then they quickly open up another scammer account - the seller though could get punished with a neg for running his business in a proper businesslike manner.
That's the way I see it unless I'm missing something here. I think I'm beginning to understand why some sellers won't take PayPal. But yet there are many large sellers who do take PayPal, so it is not some consistent thing across the board.