OT - Where do you get your current sports news?

What source do you use to get current sporting news such as scores, all-american team, college rankings, etc. I've always looked at Yahoo Sports, but they keep changing their format and seem to have less and less real news. They seem to have more and more sports writer's opinions/editorials - the sports writers seem to have a need to tell us who is really the best, the most talented, etc. (Sorry - little rant there because I hate sports writers opinions; I already have my own, thank you very much.)
Anyway, back on topic, I just watched the TV news and they were talking about who was selected to the basketball all-american team. But there's nothing out on Yahoo Sports. I'd really like to find a website with good current all around sporting news.
Anyway, back on topic, I just watched the TV news and they were talking about who was selected to the basketball all-american team. But there's nothing out on Yahoo Sports. I'd really like to find a website with good current all around sporting news.

1994 Pro Line Live
I read the morning papers
I watch ESPN to wake up - and while dressing.
I also watch it when there's nothing else on TV and I don't want to move - and I look at Yahoo sports - I guess I'm easy?