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When Powersellers Go Bad...

After 8 years buying/selling on eBay, I finally get ripped off for $39 from a Powerseller with 879 positive transactions who decides to go AWOL on the 880th - after getting my money order.

Link to the Crimescene.

3 emails - no response.

It isn't worth crying over, and I suppose I should appreciate the 502 problem-free transactions I've had. But dang! I'm not rich and it punched a big hole in my card budget this month.

But I know where he lives. I guess I'll just have to send Marilyn Manson to his house:



  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Marilyn Manson has embarked on a door-to-door tour of suburbia in a desperate, last-ditch effort to shock and offend average Americans. >>

    I would love that freak to come knocking on my door!

    Especially if he was running his mouth like he was to that guy in the story.

    Lets just say he would be the one who was shocked image
  • Is that Manson story for real? He was trespassing naked covered in fe... and the cops let him go cuz hes "just Marilyn Manson for Mikes sake". wtf ??

    Like lawnmowerman said, come to my house, I'll shock you. If I didnt have kids it might be different but I think Dad would have to kick the shi- right off of him.

  • << <i>Is that Manson story for real? >>

    Yes...the Onion is America's finest news source. Just ask them. image

    As far as the op, I can't count on two hands the number of times a card as taken more than 3 weeks to get to me. For a while it seemed like 4 weeks was the norm. Sad but true. So I wouldn't write the purchase off as a complete loss yet. Being NARU'd could be simply b/c of unpaid fees.
  • Did you report him? It looks like he was NARUed
    Collecting all things Pittsburgh.

    Completed my Clemente Basic Registry (2007 - 2014)!

    Positive transactions with oakesy25,jasoneggert,swartz1,MBMiller25,gregm13,kid4hof03,HoopGuru33,Reese3333,BPorter26,Davemri,CuseSteve
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    Maybe the seller is just a little out of control right now??? If it was me, I wouldn't even worry... yet.


  • << <i>

    << <i>Is that Manson story for real? >>

    Yes...the Onion is America's finest news source. Just ask them. image


    Oh ok Ive never heard of them and didnt dig deeper. I was thinking..image
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    Damn money order's always a pain in the arse
  • That same jerk just got me for 318.00.I do not know how to send that link thing yet.But it was auction 250075560114.It was a 75 pack with Robin Yount on top.He cashed my check,then quit ebay and had his phone turned off.My next step is talking to a lawyer to see if it is worth sueing the clown.If not ,then I have his address.It is 133 riding trail lane.Mooresville,N.C. 28117.I may have to pay him a visit.
  • What really gets me is that Ebay lets this guy be a powerseller.Then they don't back you up unless you pay by paypal.They will probabely just let the guy open a new account under another name and look the other way.I guess that it is all about the mighty buck.
  • "Then they don't back you up unless you pay by paypal...."

    Doesn't apply in your case (no paypal), but here's another story....

    I had the same experience a few months back (powerseller, 1000+ 99%+) and never got the items - paid through paypal.

    In my case, I got a letter from eBay alerting me to the problem with the seller a few weeks later, stating I should blah blah blah to get my money back. Here's part of the letter...

    Our records show that you were a bidder or buyer of one or more of this seller's items. We recently removed this seller's active listings. Due to privacy concerns we cannot share further details about this seller.

    If you have already paid for this item but have not received it, you should take all possible steps to receive reimbursement.

    - Stop payment with your bank if you paid by check.
    - Contact the Security Department of your credit card company to file a chargeback if you paid via credit card.
    - If you paid with PayPal, you may be eligible for up to $1,000 USD coverage at no cost. To file a claim with PayPal, login to your PayPal account.......

    eBay had by that time pulled all the seller's listings. (Hmmm, now I have no proof of the 'buyer protection' listed in the auction.)

    Not expecting much, I went through the Paypal procedures.

    Paypal, of course, found in my favor, and sent me a nice letter telling me they couldn't give my money back unless they recovered it from the seller (who is now suspended, so fat chance.)

    eBay/Paypal can put that 'buyer protection' crap on all the auctions they want to, but you have NONE with them. It's one big scam.

    Here's the official response from Paypal...

    We have completed our investigation of this case. We attempted to process a refund from the seller's account to your account. Unfortunately, the seller's account does not contain the funds necessary to cover this refund. We were able to recover $0.00 USD. We have taken action against the seller and are working to recover the remainder of your refund. We will contact you when we have more information. No further action is required of you at this time.

    Guys, don't waste your time going through them - just take it straight to your credit card company.
    Collecting my sports heroes, Roger Staubach and Kirby Puckett.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "We have completed our investigation of this case. We attempted to process a refund from the seller's account to your account. Unfortunately, the seller's account does not contain the funds necessary to cover this refund. We were able to recover $0.00 USD. We have taken action against the seller and are working to recover the remainder of your refund. We will contact you when we have more information. No further action is required of you at this time."

    "Guys, don't waste your time going through them - just take it straight to your credit card company."


    The CC companies do act much faster.

    But, PP can/will cancel your PP account if you do not give them
    a chance to process your claim BEFORE going to the CC company.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    If the buyer protection thing is a scam how does it fly with all the lawyers we have in the hobby?

    I'm sure by now one of them has been bitten and surely they have taken it or should be the ones that would take it to court?

    Good for you.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If we're gonna discuss these kinds of things - then we have to discuss what we learn - even if it appears to be a criticism.


    Sorry to hear about the loss.

    But - look at the guy's ebay rating and negs.

    All of the negs are for the same thing - NO Delivery or questionable delivery.

    Plus, most of us would probably agree - it's probably not a good idea to buy from someone with that low an ebay rating - even with the "Power Seller" logo?

    That's what I've learned from this.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "If the buyer protection thing is a scam how does it fly ...."


    It is not exactly a scam. But, it sometimes has the same
    results as an intentional scam would have.

    When PayPal was able to grab the checking-accounts and
    debit the credit-card accounts of bad sellers, the "protection,"
    obviously, worked a bit better. Now, all PP can do is grab
    the PP balance, OR kick in the money out of its own kitty.
    (No scamsters - and FEW honest sellers - keep any money
    at all in their PP accounts.)

    Now, when a chargeback is filed on a credit-card, the claim
    is made NOT against the bad seller, but against PayPal as
    the holder of the merchant account. Thus, PP is adamant
    that buyers must complete the "claim process" THROUGH
    PP before going to the credit-card company.

    STILL, the safest way to buy on EBAY is by using a credit-card
    through a PayPal account.

    As the PayPal claims process becomes more cumbersome,
    there is little doubt that lawyers will step in and allege that
    the process "is designed to cause consumers to give-up."
    The lawsuits will complain of "unfair business practices,"
    and will probably be settled quickly, as PP scrambles to
    come up with a system that actually protects buyers, BUT
    does not drive PP into the ground with paid claims.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • jonnycjonnyc Posts: 157 ✭✭

    << <i>

    But I know where he lives. I guess I'll just have to send Marilyn Manson to his house:


    Even though the article is from 2001, that is one of the most hilarious stories I have read recently. What if there was a shock show.... and no one came! What a perfect way to respond to someone who is trying to be shocking.... ignoring or polite indifference! You just can't go anywhere else with it at that point! What a lot of these type of people don't realize is that it has all been done before and after awhile it becomes... well, kind of boring and no one cares anymore.

    Especially liked the lady who had to get her daughter somewhere and didn't have time to chat. I can picture it.... "Yo, Marilyn, would love to sit and shoot the bull with ya but hey just got no time right now. Lovin' the entrails though! Goes well with your white and black combo. Late!" Also the kids on bikes who ran him out of the neighborhood! Just hilarious.

    Each generation comes up and thinks they are rebelling in some new and unique kind of way, but in reality they are just rehashing an old story just wrapped slightly differently.

    Thanks for the article and hope that your situation with the seller can be resolved at some point.
  • I chuckle every time I go to pay via Paypal, and when I switch the payment method to credit card, I get that message asking if I am sure I want to pay with a credit card as I am protected by a direct transfer. HA!

    Then those sneaky a-holes do this...if I am set to pay via Paypal on their site and i already went through the above message, then I realize I wanted to add a message or edit something(and then I edit it), and THEN I go back to submit payment, AND PAYPAL SWITCHES THE PAYMENT METHOD BACK TO DIRECT TRANSFER!! They were sneaky in this hoping I would just send payment without realizing it isn't a credit card payment anymore. This use to happen a bunch of times, as i often send payments via Non-Ebay auctions. They do not want you to use credit cards.

    Just those little sneaky things...
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