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so mailman comes today???

I didn't go running to the door, figured he would have rang the bell if there was something I needed to sign for. I am waiting for a super nice t3 in the mail. I open the door and grab the mail, sure enough a damn orange slip is there??? I mean what a lazy bastige!! Now, in all my "free" time I can go down to the post office, wher ONE person works and there at least a 15 minute wait everytime, get my package. This is the 5th ISSUE I have had with him. Anything from writing the WRONG pickup date on the slip, to walking on my grass after it was just planted. I think it is time to call the postmaster, sorry another government employee just taking it too easy. Why didn't he ring the damn bell? Of course now I cant even pickup the item until tomorrow, even though he finishes his route at 2:30, he doesn't go back to the station until 4:00 when they close! Scans tomorrow maybe??? One time I actually tracked him down at the local donut shop to get my package!!


  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Give him $20 around Christmas time and he'll take care of you the whole year.

  • GonblottGonblott Posts: 1,951 ✭✭

    << <i>Give him $20 around Christmas time and he'll take care of you the whole year.

    Lee >>

    Way to much! I'd give him $1.99 =P
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>.....to walking on my grass after it was just planted >>

    image I HATE THAT! I fixed my mailman good though. I had just put down all my sod and installed a nice Viburnum hedge on the east property line. The mailbox was right by my front door. The mailman would walk up my driveway, put the mail in the box, than proceed to stroll across the lawn and cut through my hedge. With anough traffic on the turf in the same general area it will die back some. Also, the hedge would never have filled in because he kept cutting through between the same two plants.

    So one day I strung a rope from my fence to a big pine tree to prevent him from cutting through. He didnt see it till he was right on top of it. He stopped dead in his tracks and was mumbling something as he turned and headed toward the road.

    I got a really good laugh out of it as I was spying on him through my window image
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    Go chase is a$$ down and tell what you think!!
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I went home for lunch one day because I was expecting a sub to come back from PSA, sure enough I just missed him by like 30 minutes, and I got the dreaded "slip" in the mailbox. So I took the slip, drove around the neighborhood until I found him in his mail truck and i asked for my package right there. He gave it to me with no problems! image
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    Sounds like your mailman needs to be in the "tarred and feathered thread" I would chase him down if I were you and tell him what he needs to hear.
  • GooberGoober Posts: 980 ✭✭✭
    Ours does that as well. On the same day my carrier took a big black permanent marker and scribbled my last name and number on my brand new mailbox (mind you it was already stenciled big with same), they bent three autographed Leaf Signature 8X10's in a rigid mailer with "DO NOT BEND" in half.

    I went down to file a complaint with our local station manager. She actually admitted that she was on the ride with the carrier in question, and that, in error they marked up my new mailbox, but didn't realized they'd trashed my photo's. LOL. I was furious. She asked me point black, "What do you want us to do about it?" I said, "I want my mailbox replaced, and a refund for my damaged photos (which weren't insured)!" She just laughed at me, turned around and walked away.

    Why step over the dollar to get to the cent? Because it's a 55DDO.
  • OnlypsahockeyOnlypsahockey Posts: 1,479 ✭✭
    My mailman is the bomb. He even moves my empty trash barrells into the yard for me on trash day.

    You get what you give.

    JMO, Bob C. image
    57 Topps (83%) 7.61
    61 Topps (100%) 7.96
    62 Parkhurst (100%) 8.70
    63 Topps (100%) 7.96
    63 York WB's (50%) 8.52
    68 Topps (39%) 8.54
    69 Topps (3%) 9.00
    69 OPC (83%) 8.21
    71 Topps (100%) 9.21 #1 A.T.F.
    72 Topps (100%) 9.39
    73 Topps (13%) 9.35
    74 OPC WHA (95%) 8.57
    75 Topps (50%) 9.23
    77 OPC WHA (86%) 8.62 #1 A.T.F.
    88 Topps (5%) 10.00
  • Oh mailman stories !! At my old house...

    Carrier left large packages kinda balanced on top of mailbox and wife saw them fall off. Wife went out to talk at her and Mail lady said "hey I am not on welfare, I cant sit at home all day, I have things to do. I could of thrown them in your yard." Welfare?? Were not on welfare and our house is neat but since shes a stay at home Mom. Well she called me right then at work. 10 minutes later I was driving around my neighborhood until I found her and gave her a piece of my mind. Also I filed a complaint. Talk about being scared to get all my mail after that. I think for the next month I bought insurance on EVERYTHING.

    Leaving slips w/o ringing doorbell-Happened to me 3 times so far. Once I had a slip with just my address on it so I went to PO next day. Oops it was carriers notes for another package. Thanks.

    All in all I get my mail and no ones perfect.
  • theczartheczar Posts: 1,590 ✭✭
    I got to say I have the worlds best mailman. He refuses any Christmas gift, he knows I work from home in my basement and cannot hear the doorbell so he comes around the side of my house and knocks on the window. If I am still not home he stops by on his route one last time.

    Because of this I am not afraid to go public with the fact that I have a man crush on him.

    When he is on vacation or a day off life is not good.

  • ArchaninatorArchaninator Posts: 827 ✭✭✭
  • 2dueces2dueces Posts: 6,559 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mailmen come to your door? Ours just drives around in a car and tosses the mail on to the lawn. image
    Actually the put the mail in the box at the end of the driveway. Our mail lady at work is awesome. She
    knows it's package day for me and handles all my stuff well. Kudoo's.
    "I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    City carriers put mail in the box on the house (for the most part) and rurals deliver to boxes on posts on the street.

    City carriers are paid by the hour, harrassed by management to go faster, management actually includes shortcuts across lawns when doing route evaluations. They have to scan mailboxes along the way to show management where they are at 20-30 different times during the day.

    In most offices they don't have enough carriers and they grab subs, hand them mail, and send them off on the way. Some subs are given slips instead of packages and don't even have the packages with them.

    Rural carriers get paid by the route, not by the hour. If I get done at noon or 6pm it's still the same $200 a day or whatever.

    If you get a lot of ebay stuff consider a flat black plastic tupperware mailbox. $20 at walmart and will fit priority envelopes easy without bending.

    No cash tips or xmas gifts allowed. Gift cards of $20 or less allowed. I got about $1500 in gift cards last Christmas. I do a good job and take good care of my customers. I'm a sub, my regular got less than $100.

    Sometimes the carrier writes 4pm so they know for sure they'll be back. Call the post office earlier than 4 to see if it's there. If you don't have the # of your local office PM me and I'll get it for you.

    Complaining to the Postmaster will result in worse service. Once a carrier makes full time they almost cannot get fired. Carriers remember who called and who left a tip. Waves, smiles, an attaboy are great. I have people who leave me cookies, an apple, etc which really comes in handy in the middle of the day.

    If you have PO questions I can usually answer or help.
  • Thats sad theres worse service when you complain. Unfortunately it happens the same in fast food but not when I was in charge.

    I never thought to tip the carrier. I laugh at the tip cups at Starbucks. I mean c'mon.
  • GooberGoober Posts: 980 ✭✭✭
    I live in town and I still have a rural carrier. Ours are paid by the hour, I know that because they're always hiring. If there's a car parked illegally anywhere on our block, no matter where, the carrier will refuse delivery to the entire block regardless if they can reach all but one mailbox. If I know I have a package arriving I have to be home or let my wife know to be on the lookout because they will not come to the door. The best one we had would honk her horn. She'd always have half a dozen of us opening our doors and running.

    Why step over the dollar to get to the cent? Because it's a 55DDO.
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    great replies so far, made for a good laugh. I strung caution tape all the way arounfmy yard while the lawn was growing, the day i took it down, he cut through! He also cuts through to my neighbors house
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Thats sad theres worse service when you complain. Unfortunately it happens the same in fast food but not when I was in charge.

    I never thought to tip the carrier. I laugh at the tip cups at Starbucks. I mean c'mon.[/]

    I'll give you an example. I deliver to a trailer park of about 50 trailers. Most of the people there don't have any money, it's a very poor town. There's an idiot there who sleeps in on Saturdays, and always gets packages on saturdays. I think QVC but can't remember for sure.

    Every Saturday I have to drive back to his trailer, dodge the dog crap land mines, to get to the door. Once I get there I have to open the storm door, then ring the doorbell mounted low on his inside door. If I set the package down it is guaranteed to get dog crap all over it.
    I ring the door bell, count to 60 seconds, and head back to my van. As soon as I get the package back in my van (hopefully without dog crap all over it) the idiot comes out the door in just his underwear and I have to carry the thing back to the house. About a month ago I asked if I could call him 10 minutes before I get there, so he was ready, and he started ranting about he's paying my salary etc etc . When I got back he had called to complain because I didn't bring his mail to the house with the package when I made the 2nd trip.

    Now he gets a slip every time. Has nothing to do with tips, I'm tired of dragging dog crap into my van. When he complained, I decided I'm not giving him any special service.

    There's an older lady on my route, she lives about 100 yards or so from the street. She has to cross a 4 lane to get her mail. I started taking the mail back to her house, it takes me 3 minutes and saves her a half hour. When I bring the mail to her she usually gives me an apple, or a piece of banana bread, maybe a blueberry muffin. She doesn't HAVE to give me an apple, but she does it because she appreciates me going out of my way for her.
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I live in town and I still have a rural carrier. Ours are paid by the hour, I know that because they're always hiring. If there's a car parked illegally anywhere on our block, no matter where, the carrier will refuse delivery to the entire block regardless if they can reach all but one mailbox. If I know I have a package arriving I have to be home or let my wife know to be on the lookout because they will not come to the door. The best one we had would honk her horn. She'd always have half a dozen of us opening our doors and running. >>

    Not really paid by the hour. They "evaluate" the routes, and decide how long it should take the average carrier. Then they pay an hourly rate based on the evaluation. We get about $20 an hour X the number of hours it's evaluated for.

    My main route pays 9.4 hours =188 a day plus gas $. Some days I can do 2 routes, not in the winter though!

    Since we get paid by the route and not the hour, the sooner you're done the sooner you go home. If I get done at noon I get paid $188, if I get done at 6pm I get 188. Doing the extras has to come from the inside, and it sounds like your carriers don't much care. Makes us all look bad image

  • << <i> Doing the extras has to come from the inside, and it sounds like your carriers don't much care. Makes us all look bad image >>

    imageimage Thanks for caring . That extra effort is well apprecated by all of us that have older love ones or that "special PSA" package that needs special attention!!
    succesful deals :richtree, Bosox1976, Bkritz, mknez, SOM, cardcounter2, ddfamf, cougar701, mrG, Griffins : thanks All

    Go Phillies
  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭
    My carrier has done the same thing to me in the past. Left a slip when someone was home. Once it was a sub as jimq said.

    Last week he knocks. I answer the door wearing a replica NY Baseball Giants cap.

    He says "are you a Mets fan?" I say, "no Yankees and Phillies actually but this is a Giants hat."

    He says "Yankees!!! I like the Mets."

    I'm screwed. image
  • DarinDarin Posts: 7,325 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love my mail lady. One time she even drove out to the field where I was planting soybeans, she stops and waits for the tractor to get to the end of the field, I get off and sign for a package.
  • I was actually sitting out on the front stoop one day enjoying a fine Class A cigarette from my friends at Marlboro when my mailman walks up and hands me the stack of mail. Once I got inside I noticed there was one of those slips that says, "Oops, sorry we missed you."

    Gimme a break. I mean, really? You couldn't even at least try?

    I also bought a set of tobacco cards from the UK. They're shipped inside plastic pages and in a cardboard-backed envelope with DO NOT BEND on it twice. I got to watch that thing get folded in half and jammed through the mail slot in my door. I immediately grabbed it and opened the door to point out that it's now Fed.

    "Oh. Sorry. Didn't see it."

    Thanks buddy.

  • fergie23fergie23 Posts: 2,155 ✭✭✭✭
    My mailman has always been good to me.

    I found out he was a card collector as well and one time when I had puchased (5) 1979 Topps Hockey packs off Ebay I told him he could open one and have whatever cards were in it...you guessed it, a Gretzky rookie was his reward. I even sent it to PSA to get graded for him (PSA 8 NQ). After that when I had a package that needed to be signed for, he would stop by at the end of his route (normally 5:30-6:00pm) and see if I had gotten home from work. Works out great for me and you wouldn't believe the look on his face when he pulled the Gretzky.

  • Once I received a rack case of 89 Fleer from a sub Carrier and it wasnt double boxed and said Fleer Rack Pak on the outside. The Carrier said to me as he handed it to me oh I remember those. Man that kinda scared me !! but no problems.
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