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Munson Rookie Photo and a new passion

I have fallen in love with medium format film. These 120mm 2.25 slides are unreal. They reproduce the highest quality images and are a beautiful thing to behold. I still am hard-core 35mm as it is the most plentiful, but, man, these big slides just trip my trigger!
Anyway, here is a print of Thurman Munson in Spring Training, 1970 that I made from an original medium format slide. The slide was a bit pricey, but quality never goes out of style. I wanted to share this as the image has never been public before and there are quite a few Munson fans out there...this crop is 16x20.
I made a 30x30 square for my office and it's awesome!




  • Beautiful. And I love your statement, "quality never goes out of style." Very true. I can't imagine how that would look in 16x20!!

  • << <i>And I love your statement, "quality never goes out of style." Very true >>

    It's funny. I TRY to explain this fact to my wife when I plop down a couple hundred bucks on a negative and she just doesn't understand!image
    I'm glad you liked the photo. The 30x30 square is in a thick, black, wood frame from IKEA with no matting. It is recessed 1/4" so it has the appearance of being shadow-boxed. I hung it in my office and I just gaze at the thing!
  • RoarIn84RoarIn84 Posts: 859 ✭✭
    would love to see this quality photo of his actual rookie card- one of the greatest cards ever.....
  • Whoa, that's stunning. It's so clear, I bet it can blow up beautifully. How do you come across those kinds of slides? I'd love to find one of a young Rose.

    keeping my ears open for oddball cards of Rose from the 60's and 70's.
  • Rose? These are from 1963 & 1966 respectively...


  • WHOA! Too cool, pm'ing now.

    keeping my ears open for oddball cards of Rose from the 60's and 70's.
  • thekid8thekid8 Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭
    Wow great photos --- I would also like to know where to get them --- would love to find some early Gary Carter negs.
    Gary Carter Fans check out www.thekid8.com

  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    Love that Munson and those Rose pictures. Always love your stuff! Keep it up!

  • << <i>would love to see this quality photo of his actual rookie card- one of the greatest cards ever..... >>

    You mean his Topps All-Star Rookie card, 1971. 1970 was his actual rookie card....image
    On the Yankee Bandwagon since April 22nd, 1979 (my first game).
    Collecting all Yankees especially:
    Thurman Munson, Yogi Berra, Melky Cabrera!

    For my son:
    Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada

    MY Baseball Card Page
    My Player Collection Needs
  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    no doubt...

    u and photoshop are 1.

  • RoarIn84RoarIn84 Posts: 859 ✭✭
    yea, dat one
  • Kid8,
    Here are some Carters. I have quite a bit of him--somewhere in the ballpark of 30 35mm frames... The "Funny Face" shot still needs some light cleaning. I scanned the negative in for this post as I have never really looked at it too closely. I purchased a couple of complete games of Expos from 1977 & 1978. The color shot is from a game against Atlanta in 1982.

    These can all enlarge HUGE!
  • Thanks for all the PM's guys. I don't get here too often and I'm sorry for missing all the ones from last month. I did reply today to all--I'm just about a month late on a few...sorry again.
    If you ever want to reach me, try oldschool.images@yahoo.com
    Thanks again!
  • rvcrvc Posts: 559 ✭✭
  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    Awesome images Phil! Ever come across any Kent Hrbek images in your travels. Being a Minnesota boy, he was my hero growing up. The Puck was cool, but Herbie was my favorite.
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