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1986 Fleer Basketball

So I am at my local dealer today and he has a box of 86 fleer wax for $450 a pack. He held onto it from 86, no one has pulled the MJ rookie and half the packs are gone. So I look through the box and you can see through the back of the packs and one has a jordan sticker.

Was there any card order on this box to tell where the MJ rookie might be?


  • YES..these packs definitley ran sequencially....and there are 2-3 Jordan rookies per box. so if no one has hit one yet...there is either 2 left....or something is out of whack!! (ie..already searched...or they were pulled and no one said anything)

    I'm not sure what kind of owner lets his customers fondle $450 packs.....
    If he let you look through them...what's to say someone else didn't do the same thing and take the Jordan rookies already.
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Was there any card order on this box to tell where the MJ rookie might be? >>

    Im pretty sure that old guy that Gary bought his box from could tell ya.

  • I was scared of that? Though maybe Gary sold it to him.

  • He let me look at them because he knew that I was a serious buyer.

  • He let me look at them because he knew that I was a serious buyer.

    I ripped TONS of this stuff...when it was dirt....as did alot of other people.
    Other "serious" buyers with sequence knowledge can walk in..look at a few packs and pull the Jordans without you even knowing.

    Just by seeing the card on the front of the pack....one can get a pretty good idea of who's in it...
    It's the same with alot of product from the 70's and 80's.....there are alot of slimey dealers who make a good (albiet unfair) living off that knowledge.

    That's one of the reasons why I don't like these "rip and scan" posts......it's too easy for people to get production ordering from the posts.

    Remember the 89 Hoops David Robinson craze..and seeing right into the pack...well....how many boxes do you think are out there with NO Robinsons left in them right now?
    Or 89 Fleer Ripken cards...with Griffey and Johnson....

    If he's got packs with Jordan stickers on them..the packs are most likely legit.....

    If you're going to take a shot...why not take the Jordan pack and be guaranteed something?
    If the box does look good though...remember..there are 2-3 Jordan rookies per box!!

    Good luck.
  • GOODLIEUGOODLIEU Posts: 629 ✭✭
    In my opinion its not worth it to buy the 86 Fleer packs in todays market especially at $450 a hit. The Jordan alone would have to grade out a 8 or better just to see some value to your purchase and with the centering issues these cards had and the rough factory cuts there are no guarantees of that happening. After Jordan a majority of the other stars do not demand the premiums they did 10-12 years ago (Barkley,Malone,Bird,Magic,Olajuwon etc) and for far less than $450 they can be had in PSA 9 on EBAY. The commons are often sold in lots and are relativly inxpensive for most 8's and 9's. Perhaps like the early 70's topps they will pick up again in ten years or so but who knows.
  • theczartheczar Posts: 1,590 ✭✭
    amen to that goodlieu. that set has been in correction mode for about a year and still hasn't bottomed out. anyone who tells you any different is naive, a seller or hasn't checked out prices.

    i'll be a broken record. does that set have some expensive cards-ABSOLUTELY. is it rare-ABSOLUTELY NOT.
  • RoarIn84RoarIn84 Posts: 859 ✭✭
    86 FleerBKB has a long way to drop yet..... the stuff really ain't that rare. Unopened wax sure is, but there's a lot of raw. at only 132 cards in the set, perfect breakdown would be 3 sets/box.....lessee-

    Say Fleer released 1000 cases

    1000cases= 20,000 boxes

    20,000 boxes= 720,000 packs

    720,000 packs x 12 cards/pack= 8,640,000 cards

    8,640,000 cards / 132 cards in the set= 65454 sets

    just an estimation. anyone think there's less??? even if we round it down to 60,000 sets, or even 40,000, is this really that rare??? and now that Fleer has been releasing the buybacks into their recent Basketball packs, we can count on a whole lot more to surface. I'd say the 86F is a horrible investment. jeeeez, at $450, you can buy a nice raw Jordan on Ebay that would grade 7 or even 8......
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I bought some packs from Steve Hart at $250 and the cards were coming out very sharp. I got a few 10s and a lot of 9s. $450 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for these.

    Edited out the sequences- don't want to give pack searchers any extra ammo. Good call Roar.

  • RoarIn84RoarIn84 Posts: 859 ✭✭
    cool....i'll remember this when i get a group rip together and have everyone entrust their $$$ to me. then i'll send out the packs that don't fit the afforementioned description. (kidding!).....seriously tho, perhaps we shouldn't post sequences. heck, Cds is the one who started the 'Big Thread' against the recent alleged scam artist, and now that alleged scam artist has valuable info about his 86F box in question.......
  • WabittwaxWabittwax Posts: 1,984 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Just by seeing the card on the front of the pack....one can get a pretty good idea of who's in it...
    It's the same with alot of product from the 70's and 80's.....there are alot of slimey dealers who make a good (albiet unfair) living off that knowledge. >>

    Hmmm. I don't know. Is having knowledge of something a bad thing? I have documented nearly every older rack pack I have opened. I have opened enough 1979 Topps that I can almost pull Ozzie Smith's at will from rack packs on Ebay. Needless to say that I spent a lot of money to acquire this knowledge so I shouldn't use it to my benefit? Is it wrong to see a 1979 Rack on Ebay and already know who's probably going to come out of that pack?

    It really isn't even worth doing though anymore with 1979's because the Ozzie's almost always come out OC so at $25 a rack for a OC Ozzie isn't even a deal.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    There's nothing wrong with you buying a pack because you suspect an Ozzie RC might be in it, but if you purchased a rack box and removed all of the packs with the Ozzie and sold the rest knowing there are no Ozzie's left, you might as well have searched the packs.

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