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Top five sets you want removed from the registry

Well, we need a new topic to focus on.

List your top five sets you want removed from the registry. Given, they will never remove a set, it is for fun. Not removing a card from a set but the whole set.

#1 Remove David Boston Master and Basic Sets. No one has any registered. And he sucks

#2 Remove Tim Couch Master and Basic Sets. No one has any registered. And he sucked too.

#3 Remove Billy Joe Tolliver Master Set. There are three sets registered but for crying out loud it is the same guy with three sets?image

#4 Remove Ashlie Lelie Master set. First off, he has a girls name. 2nd off, no sets registered. 3rd off, it has not been updated since his rookie year of 2002.

#5 Remove Scott Hunter Master set. Yes, yes, I am a Packer Fan. That is why his set has to go. When your lifetime rating is less than my Mom's age, we have a problem. His rating is 55.0. I read up on a game that he was 0-15 or something like that. He did not complete a pass. That alone should have the set removed.

How 'bout the rest of you? Anyone you just can't stand? Any team you just plain hate? List them here. Let's get our minds back on collecting.


  • KOBEcollectorKOBEcollector Posts: 3,873 ✭✭
    You can add the Peerless Price sets to your list also

  • FavreFan1971FavreFan1971 Posts: 3,103 ✭✭✭
    Sweet, we have 6 sets now. (Seriously, I will add my Scott Hunter cards to this set tonight.)
  • markj111markj111 Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭
    Relax guys. I must confess that I am too busy working on my own sets to be concerned about the other sets. That said, if I were in charge and and could remove one set, it would be for the most overrated player of my lifetime. I will not name names as I do not want to upset the New Yorkers who think he is a God and actually deserves the Gold Gloves he has won.
  • gosteelersgosteelers Posts: 2,668 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Relax guys. I must confess that I am too busy working on my own sets to be concerned about the other sets. That said, if I were in charge and and could remove one set, it would be for the most overrated player of my lifetime. I will not name names as I do not want to upset the New Yorkers who think he is a God and actually deserves the Gold Gloves he has won. >>

    Or, we could talk about the most overrated teams of all time. Namely, from 1991 forward, residing in a Southern state. I believe they won 15 division titles in a row and won only one, measly world title. They also have some of the most 'fair weather fans' in the world. Can't even sell out playoff games!
  • FavreFan1971FavreFan1971 Posts: 3,103 ✭✭✭
    Hey, stop hijacking my thread. And you damn Braves stole my baseball team back in the 60's.

    Have a good weekend all. I am going to the store and buying some wax so I can feel better.
  • theczartheczar Posts: 1,590 ✭✭
    well i have been sick of brett favre and all of his whining for ten+ years, but i won't insult the host of this topic.

    onto the subject:
    6) Chet Lemon registry
    5) Bill Campbell registry
    4) Dave Campbell registry
    3) Terry Forster registry
    2) Sixto Lezcano

    and i defy anyone to come up with a bigger joke of a registry that this one:

    The #1 is doing it only for a pizza
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    At least JEB has a 100% complete Pepe Frias registry set....

    all that said -- there is a lot of silliness on the Registry -- but I think a lot of it could frankly be solved by having better organization of Registry sets -- so that you wouldn't have to look at and see some of the ones you find irritating.
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,018 ✭✭✭
    I actually am down to being the only member of the Mario Mendoza master set. I didn't start it but jump in for the fun. I at least try to make my set entertaining as well as one can considering the player. The Dave Campbell set , I think , is from a relative.

    Please vote for kicking off Mario so I can stop wasteing my time looking for his cards.
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • mkg809mkg809 Posts: 1,320 ✭✭
    Anyone named Pee Pee shouldn't be in the registry in the first place.
  • I will be putting up what is destined to be the finest Chet Lemon master set. He was an institution in centerfield for one of the greatest self-produced (as opposed to a free agent collective) baseball franchises and teams (1984) ever. Yes, I know he was not homegrown like most of the 1984 core and he was traded to the Tigers for the bust-out Steve Kemp (one of our best trades ever). But he was one of the best and does not deserve the slander.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    The '55 TAA set.

    So people will stop outbidding me image
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • FavreFan1971FavreFan1971 Posts: 3,103 ✭✭✭
    Just added myself to the Scott Hunter registry. I think my Grandpa just rolled over in his grave
  • ROCKDJRWROCKDJRW Posts: 1,330 ✭✭✭
    I have been wanting to add my Ozzie Guillen 80's master set for years now but I think I will pass out of fear of being named in this postimage
    Collect Ozzie Guillen Cards
    Unique Chicago Cards
    Wrestling Cards
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    hell no dont remove any of the sets.. even if its a todd van poppell set, hell, someone might want to put one together, and it takes PSA too long to add new sets..

    if they want the registry to grow and succeed, they have to get better and quicker at adding stuff to the registry..
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭
    I sure hope my eventually-to-be-added Jim Gantner set doesn't pop up on this list.
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