Where did the boxes come from?

I'm the one with 24 FB packs with dinged corners. I've been quiet until now. I privately offered Gary an opportunity to satisfy me. He declined. Here's my question that he has not addressed:
He wrote:
So heres[sic] the detailes[sic] . This rip will include 1 pack each of Football 1976/77/78/79/80/81/82/83/84/85/86 Topps & 89 score pack
That is 12 beautiful packs. Cost will be 155 that includes paypal fees and shipping. all the boxes will be coming from bbcexchange and dacardworld.
Then he wrote:
The eagle has landed!!! We have most of the boxes actually everything showed up today except for the 78 box. Had to order that from dacw becuase steve sold out before I placed the order. But heres a pick for us all to start drooling. Cant wait to crack this 76 box. it will be my first gai box crack I will get evrything split and boxed this weekend. Hopefully the box 78 box shows up today too. I know mondays a postal holiday anyone know if ups runs monday?
Then he wrote:
just noticed the pics from the football rip heres the truth the 777880and 84 box did not come from steve. we knew steve did not have a 77 and 80 box when i placed the order he was out of 78 also. so what did i do paid more for the 78 box somewhere else then steve sold them so i ponied up extra for that damn 78 box
Now I'm writing:
I suppose this could mean that he placed one order with DACW for the 77 and 80 boxes (implied because BBCE was out). Then he placed a separate order for the 78 box when BBCE was out.
That leaves unanswered these two questions:
Where did the 84 box come from?
Here? Wrappers
And Here? 84 Topps Lot
Where did the 78 box really come from?
1978 Topps FB Wax Box purchased Feb. 13
He wrote:
So heres[sic] the detailes[sic] . This rip will include 1 pack each of Football 1976/77/78/79/80/81/82/83/84/85/86 Topps & 89 score pack
That is 12 beautiful packs. Cost will be 155 that includes paypal fees and shipping. all the boxes will be coming from bbcexchange and dacardworld.
Then he wrote:
The eagle has landed!!! We have most of the boxes actually everything showed up today except for the 78 box. Had to order that from dacw becuase steve sold out before I placed the order. But heres a pick for us all to start drooling. Cant wait to crack this 76 box. it will be my first gai box crack I will get evrything split and boxed this weekend. Hopefully the box 78 box shows up today too. I know mondays a postal holiday anyone know if ups runs monday?
Then he wrote:
just noticed the pics from the football rip heres the truth the 777880and 84 box did not come from steve. we knew steve did not have a 77 and 80 box when i placed the order he was out of 78 also. so what did i do paid more for the 78 box somewhere else then steve sold them so i ponied up extra for that damn 78 box
Now I'm writing:
I suppose this could mean that he placed one order with DACW for the 77 and 80 boxes (implied because BBCE was out). Then he placed a separate order for the 78 box when BBCE was out.
That leaves unanswered these two questions:
Where did the 84 box come from?
Here? Wrappers
And Here? 84 Topps Lot
Where did the 78 box really come from?
1978 Topps FB Wax Box purchased Feb. 13
Your points are EXACTLY what I want to know. The origin of the boxes.
I speculate he is swapping boxes.
------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
Not a sign of "innocence."
In some of my businesses, one of the ways we "prove" that employees
are not stealing is this:
If a drawer is short, the person charged with the security and
integrity of the drawer replaces the missing cash. There is no allegation
of theft made, no guilt assigned, and no money is ever lost.
Sometimes the ONLY way you can "prove" you did nothing wrong
is to consent to the demands of the injured party.
Unrelated Side-Note:
On the buying side, we often send people into the shops with
collections and other items that are offered to the attendants
for sale. If the items do not appear in the inventory of "purchased
items" at the end of the day, we know we have an entrepreneur
on our hands.
We privately confront folks and tell them what we know and how
we know it. If the person cries, promises not to do it again, returns
the merch, and tells us why he/she "did it," we send them back to
the counter. If the allegations are denied, the person is dumped.
No one is EVER fired for theft; they are simply told we are "cutting back."
Some have even filed for unemployment compensation; we NEVER contest
such filings, even though it may affect our contribution rates over-time.
It is always the cover-up that destroys you. It is always good to admit
you "did it," and allow time to errase the sting of betrayal.
Brett Favre Master Set
Favre Ticket Stubs
Favre TD Reciever Autos
Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
Football HOF Rc's
But before he said:
heres the truth the 777880and 84 box did not come from steve
So did (or did not) the 80 box come from Steve.
The more you say Gary, the deeper you get. Now would be a good time to shut up and send me what I asked for.
The football rips is the only rip where all the boxes did not come from bbce. Why because when I placed the order he was out of 78 and we all new he didn’t have 77 or 80 the 80 I gor from Pittsburgh sprots whole sale the 77 from a reutable dealer I am personal friends with who gave me a great deal and the 78 yes came off of ebay when all other sources were exhausted. And I even paid more for the 78 box then was figured into the rip.
The only reason I got involved in this is because I thought the boxes were coming from BBCE and/or DACW. Now he admits that three of the boxes came from other sources (including a "reputable" dealer that he is "personal friends with" - that certainly inspires confidence). He has also NEVER told us where the 84 box in this rip (much less the alleged 84 case) came from. Therefore, by his own admission, 25% of his supply was not as advertised.
Gary will pay.