And the Oscar for Best Baseball Movie of All Time goes to...

I know this is about a day late, but I thought it would still be fun...
In the poll (or ballot), I tried to include all the baseball movies that I thought had any chance of receiving more than a few votes. I hope I haven't left any out. I don't mean to snub anyone's favorite if it's not on the list. Write-in candidates are certainly welcome.
2. Pride of the Yankees
3. Field of Dreams
Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards
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34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
Field of Dreams is by far my favorite though. Well cast, well acted movie. plus, i get the voice of Darth Vader as a reclusive author, priceless!
I read that they are re-releasing the natural with 15 minutes of previously cut footage.
One thing is for sure, it's not "A League of Their Own"
There is one baseball movie, however, that ALWAYS gets overlooked when it comes to baseball movies. I don't guess I've ever seen it on any type of list. Maybe because not many people have seen it. Have any of you seen "THE STRATTON STORY"? If you have not seen that movie, it will be worth your time. It stars Jimmy Stewart, June Allyson, and Frank Morgan. It was made back in the 1940's. The movie is based upon the life of Monty Stratton. He played for the White Sox from 1934-1938. He had a hunting accident and doctors had to amputate his leg, but he came back to pitch an All Star game with a prosthetic leg. VERY good movie, in my opinion. That's the best baseball movie I've ever seen.
1.The Winning Team ( Ronald Reagan --Doris Day )--Story of Grover Cleveland Alexander
2.Monte Stratton Story ( Jimmy Stewart--June Alyison)
My Sports Cards/Magazines
<< <i>You left out
1.The Winning Team ( Ronald Reagan --Doris Day )--Story of Grover Cleveland Alexander
2.Monte Stratton Story ( Jimmy Stewart--June Alyison) >>
Beat ya to it! Look above your post.
Although, I REALLY, REALLY liked 61*.
2. Bull Durham
3. Field of Dreams
<< <i>
<< <i>You left out
1.The Winning Team ( Ronald Reagan --Doris Day )--Story of Grover Cleveland Alexander
2.Monte Stratton Story ( Jimmy Stewart--June Alyison) >>
Beat ya to it! Look above your post.
You only HALF beat me
My Sports Cards/Magazines
Louis Prima: With all the great players playing ball right now, how well do you think you would do against today's pitchers?
Ty Cobb: Well, I figure against today's pitchers I'd only probably hit about .290
Louis Prima: .290? Well that's amazing, because you batted over .400 a... a whole bunch of times. Now tell us all, we'd all like to know, why do you think you'd only hit .290?
Ty Cobb: Well, I'm 72 f***ing years old you ignorant son of a b*tch!
my list'o'faves:
1- Eight Men Out
2- Cobb
3- Major League
4- Tiger Town
5- A League of Their Own
Honorary Mention: Casey At the Bat (Shelley Duvall's Tall Tales and Legends 1985)
The Benchwarmers
Miscut Museum
My Mess
Good thread.
and I enjoyed The Rookie too
and what about The Sandlot?
Another movie, The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings gives the Star Wars fans
a double treat with James Earl Jones and Billy Dee Williams.
I can't believe Cobb was left off of this list.
Also mentionables
Good catch on Sandlot, what a great movie.
Not sure it is top 5 material, but very good.
45% complete.
Gary Coleman as manager of the Padres, and he takes 'em to the World Series and wins
In any case, wiith close to 100 votes in, it looks like "Field of Dreams" and "The Natural" are in what official polls would call a statistical tie for the Oscar nod.
<< <i>you also left out 2 of my alltime faves- Cobb and Tiger Town!!! Cobb is criminally underrated. Jones NAILS Cobb in every way! Maybe not as much a baseball movie as it is a character study, but i think it counts. who can forget:
Louis Prima: With all the great players playing ball right now, how well do you think you would do against today's pitchers?
Ty Cobb: Well, I figure against today's pitchers I'd only probably hit about .290
Louis Prima: .290? Well that's amazing, because you batted over .400 a... a whole bunch of times. Now tell us all, we'd all like to know, why do you think you'd only hit .290?
Ty Cobb: Well, I'm 72 f***ing years old you ignorant son of a b*tch!
my list'o'faves:
1- Eight Men Out
2- Cobb
3- Major League
4- Tiger Town
5- A League of Their Own
Honorary Mention: Casey At the Bat (Shelley Duvall's Tall Tales and Legends 1985) >>
I didn't forget about "Cobb", but there was a lot of fluff in that movie which didn't need to be in there. But that one scene where the movie suddenly goes silent, and turns to black & white, and shifts back to Cobb's playing days in a game and he chokes up and strokes a sweet double, is one of my favorite scenes in all of cinema - for that scene alone it is worth seeing the movie.
<< <i>In any case, wiith close to 100 votes in, it looks like "Field of Dreams" and "The Natural" are in what official polls would call a statistical tie for the Oscar nod. >>
Have a sudden death vote for the final two.
thanks for the vote on confidence on sandlot.
i am giving you one back on the life and times of hank greenberg. i saw it in 2000 and while he did not face the same outward discrimination that jackie robinson did he put up with a lot cr*p. he handled it with class and dignity and was a WWII veteran. a truly underated super star. with a break here or there maris would have been chasing his single season mark. there were pitchers that refused to give him anything to hit at the end of that season because of his religion.
I would have voted for the Sandlot if it was on the list.
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
That Tanner kid was my idol. My wife got to work with him
on her last movie. He's no longer an actor, but he works with
the crew. Turns out, he is a bitter a**hole which is ashame.
It Happens Every Spring
Ray Milland--Paul Douglas
My Sports Cards/Magazines
That Tanner kid was my idol. My wife got to work with him
on her last movie. He's no longer an actor, but he works with
the crew. Turns out, he is a bitter a**hole which is ashame. "
too funny,
Jackie Earle Haley as kelly leak, was at the Oscars last night
remarkable comeback.
"Just a bit outside" - classic.
"Molon Labe"
<< <i>Also forgotten
It Happens Every Spring
Ray Milland--Paul Douglas >>
Everybody should see this one if possible --great comedy 1949
My Sports Cards/Magazines
and wasnt there a Danny Glover movie about the Angels?
Reap the whirlwind.
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Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12
Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
Jackie Earle Haley as kelly leak, was at the Oscars last night
remarkable comeback. >>
Did you know he was the guy in the movie Losing It, one of Tom Cruise's early movies, and played the character that acted like Frank Sinatra. I did not realize that until about a week ago.