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Dansco "Multitudinous Millenium Collection" 1999-2009

Commemoratives... Anniversary Sets... Uncs... Proofs... State Quarters... Presidential Dollars... First Spouses... Lincoln 2009 Reverses...

If Dansco was to sell a new album (or set of albums) with holes for each different "type" of US Coin for the years 1999-2009, just how many coins would we need to complete the collection (based on our current knowledge of planned/proposed issues thru 2009)?

Is it possible that the total number of "new" design types in our "Multitudinous Millenium Collection" would actually be greater than the total of all US Coin Issues By Type from 1793 thru 1998?

For the purpose of this count, each major design change on either obverse or reverse, and each difference in metallic content, shall be considered as a new "type".

(Edited for the usual typo)
"Giving away an MS-65 $20 St. Gaudens to everyone logged in when I make my 10,000th post..."


  • AuldFartteAuldFartte Posts: 4,597 ✭✭✭✭
    Holy image I wouldn't even want to count 'em. But I'll bet Dansco would make a ton of money selling an album like that to modern collectors. It might make a terrific addition or companion album to go with the 7070. Come to think of it, I'd buy one image

    My OmniCoin Collection
    My BankNoteBank Collection
    Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Commemoratives... Anniversary Sets... Uncs... Proofs... State Quarters... Presidential Dollars... First Spouses... Lincoln 2009 Reverses...

    For the purpose of this count, each major design change on either obverse or reverse, and each difference in metallic content, shall be considered as a new "type". >>

    It'd be a lot of coins, for sure...

    1 Lincoln Memorial Type
    4 Lincoln Bicents (zinc)
    4 Lincoln Bicents (copper)

    1 1999-2003 type
    4 Westward Journeys
    1 2006-2009 type

    1 CuNi
    1 Silver

    50 CuNi SQs
    50 Silver SQs
    if no territorial quarters
    1 2009 type, CuNi
    1 2009 type, Silver

    Half Dollars:
    1 CuNi
    1 Silver

    1 1999 SBA
    1 2000-2009 Sackie
    12 2007-2009 Prexybucks

    I don't think I'd include the First Hags™, as they're either bullion or commems, and of a different sort than the variations on circulating coins.

    I count 135 distinct "types" for the eleven years of 1999-2009. Make it 145 if territorial quarters get passed. I haven't counted, but I suspect that is way more types than most people would include in the entire history of the Mint up to 1998.

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