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Does anyone else (like sportswriters/commentators) use the term "Hall of Fame-Elect", or d

EstilEstil Posts: 7,126 ✭✭✭✭
Okay, you know how when a new President is elected, but has not been inagurated yet is called "President-Elect"? Well, I use the term "Hall of Fame-Elect" to refer to those individuals who have been elected to their respective Hall of Fame, but have not yet been inducted. For example, Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr would be considered Hall of Fame-Elects (or just HOF-Elect for short).

Does anyone else (like sportswriters or commentators) use this term, or did I just invent a whole new sports term all by myself? image

Incidentally, I always refered to teams that win their conference championship (NBA, NFL) as "winning the pennant" like in baseball, and wouldn't you believe there's an article in a 1996-98ish era of Sport that refers to the Orlando Magic as winning the "Eastern Conference pennant" in 1994? No joke!
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