Unconfirmed address

I just sold 2 items to an ebayer with 2 feedback. I get a paypal payment from a female who is unconfirmed and wants me to ship it to a male name. I refunded the payment cos I don't want to chance it....it's about $65 total. I sent this person 2 emails explaining the situation that I only accept from confirmed addresses as stated in my auction. What else can I do now? It's hard to give up money but I don't want to get burned. I have requested that this person email me back because I do want to try and finish the transactions and see if I can get some sort of alternate payment. What's also strange is that I have my settings to accept from Confirmed Addresses only....don't know why this went thru because I've had buyers tellign me that they've tried to paid with Paypal, but it won't accept because they're unconfirmed. Any other suggestions?
Is this a US eBayer?
Go to paypal under profile and set it up to accept only comfirm PP address.
Profile, Payment Receiving Preferences, Block payments from U.S. users who do not provide a Confirmed Address:
and you might want to do this too...
Block payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold:
Block payments from users who:
Have non-U.S. PayPal accounts
Do you have it set up as "Ask Me" or "No"?
Block payments from U.S. users who do not provide a Confirmed Address:
Ask Me
>>Ask Me
Yes, I looked again and it was already bubbled in "Yes" so I don't know how this one slipped thru.
Please correct me if i am wrong.
Not true. You lose all protection when sending to an unconfirmed address. I have done the same thing, but only with small amounts.
It depends.
If it is an expensive item - it's not wise to ship to an unconfirmed address. If you do - do so knowing that you may be out the money AND the item, and there's nothing you can do.
If you accept payments via PayPal, you MUST ship according to PayPal's rules -- if you want to be covered under the 'Seller Protection Policy'.
If you did not, and buyer files claim with PayPal, PayPal will refund their money plus charge you a fee and/or restrict your PP account.
ANY of the "shipping rules" not met, you loose! The three main ones are:
1) ship within 7 days
2) ship to a confirmed address only, or, the PP listed address that is "seller protection eligible"
3) ship with on-line viewable proof of delivery -- i.e. USPS's Delivery Confirmation or UPS's tracking or similar.
User Agreement for PayPal™ Service User Agreement for PayPal™ Service
it happened again a few days ago, and i emailed them some choice words.. did it help? nope.. of course i got back some sorry-ass auto-reply email that had nothing to do with my problem..
Heed the warning, Sonny
When buyers choose "Pay All PayPal Sellers" within the EBAY checkout panel,
the uncofirmed-block is usually/often over-ridden. If one seller on the list does
not have the block in place, the payments will go to all.
NEVER ship anything to an unconfirmed addy, UNLESS you do not care if you
lose the money and the item; eventually it will happen.
It is super-easy and fast for a buyer to confirm the addy. The only reason for
them not to do so is........................
<< <i>I have also accepted the occasional non-confirmed paypal address but i always sent it with a tracking number to cover my a$$. It is my understanding that you can send to unconfirmed address's that paypal sends you but just make sure you can prove you sent the package there if they try a chargeback.
Please correct me if i am wrong.
Steve >>
The PayPal website is filled with PayPal"Speak" - Bottom line...to the best of my knowledge if you ship to an unconfirmed address, it doesn't matter what else you do...if the buyer says they didn't receive the package, then you the seller get an automatic chargeback, case closed, as far as PayPal is concerned.
<< <i>I don't think this was mentioned...if the item is over $250, then you must get a delivery signature. Even if UPS drops it off at their door and UPS says it was delivered...that's not good enough. whatever the delivery method, again...over $250 must have a signature...or the seller loses if the buyer says they didn't receive the package. >>
yep.. over $250 and you need the pink colored form..
Isn't it a wonder why so many sellers "love" PayPal?
Isn't it a wonder why so many sellers "love" PayPal? "
The boneyards are FULL of sellers who listed stuff "local pick-up,"
accepted PayPal, completed the pick-up, and were immediately
hit with an Item Not Received claim. It is NOT possible for a seller
to prevail in such a dispute.
Some sellers have even taken pictures of the pick-up/hand-off,
but PP was still not "satisfied."
Such sellers can, of course, call their local police and tell their tale of woe.
i did not know that. well i guess you learn something new everyday. thats a nice little piece of info to know.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
I think we would lose a lot of buyers without it.
money order. All he said was, he didn't realized that he would
be unconfirmed. I guess he must of just signed up with PP and
didn't provide one of the following in order to get confirmed
ie Credit Card or whatever.
Glad it worked out for the best.
Hey, did you check on ebay to see if you had pay all ebay at once checked off? What Storm wrote above?
Now, for the other side: As a buyer, I use paypal almost exclusively. I have not given paypal my bank info and I always change my funding option to credit card. Reasons: I get the mileage on my CC and I'm not comfortable putting my bank account on the net. My credit card bill comes to my legal address, but the guys at my legal address (a mailbox service) are a bunch of doofuses who wouldn't know security from a maytag box. All my cards (and anything else important) are sent to my office. Since the only paypal confirmed address is the address my CC bill goes to, I essentially have my cards sent to an unconfirmed address. When I go to pay, and the site says the seller requires a confirmed address, I always change it to my office address and I have never had a problem - not once in thousands of transactions. I know this flies in the face of those who require confirmed addresses, but I would hate to be unable to receive my cards at a safe location. The fact that paypal seems to have no way to enforce the confirmed address requirement is something that makes me quite happy.
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
On eBay...
My Summary , My Account, Preferences, Selling Preferences, Payment from buyers, Include my items when buyers pay all their sellers at once using PayPal
Do you have it checked Yes or No?
You want it to say "No".
There is a loophole: You need to also opt-out of being included when a buyer pays several sellers at the same time, this unfortunately overrides the requirement for a confirmed address.
That's what Storm was talking about in his posts, unconfirmed address can get through if you have it checked "Yes".
"Storm888's post...
When buyers choose "Pay All PayPal Sellers" within the EBAY checkout panel,
the uncofirmed-block is usually/often over-ridden. If one seller on the list does
not have the block in place, the payments will go to all.
So I unchecked it. Is that what you're talking about?
So now, it does not include my items for paying multiple sellers.
I was getting a couple of unconfirmed addys a month; since I opted
out of the multiple-scheme, I have not had one.
The subject has been much discussed on the EBAY boards.
Yes, sorry about that one. Yes, you are covered now.
Agree with Storm, as always he seems to be on top of these things.
Thanks Storm.
It may work out once or twice, but eventually you WILL get burned.
Better to lose a sale completely than get burned.