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new to the darkside....

Hello darksiders-

I have recently decided to make the leap into foreign coins. I have always been a strictly US coin series collector but have found myself spending a fair amount of time looking at foreign coins the last couple of months.

After a bit of lurking on the darkside forum and cyber surfing I have settled on a series-Mexican coinage focusing on Oaxacan coinage. I have spent a good amount of time in Oaxaca over the years and have many fond memories of my time there. Given that, I thought it would be cool to focus mainly on Oaxacan coinage- it even gets the wife stamp of approval!!

Any advice fellow forum members would have for this new endeavor would be most welcome. Any recommendations on reference material, websites,dealers,.... would be most welcome.

The first book on my list to purchase is Resplandores though I have not come across a copy for sale yet.

No more walking by the world coin dealers on the bourse...from here on out, I will be having a look.


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