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Mantle did what ??

Story edited to remove cuss words.
Pic of a ball apparently autographed from Mantle has cuss word. kinda funny if real.
To avoid trouble PM me and I'll send the link.

MICKEY MANTLE LOVED HOO**** Wow, sometimes sports stars can keep shocking you with their dark secrets even after they die. Like Mickey Mantle and the Yankees of the 1950s.

THE Bronx Bombers were scoring at will in the late 1950s - sometimes with hookers supplied by a well-connected pimp, newly declassified government documents reveal.

"A confidential source, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised in June 1957 that a very prominent Washington, D.C.-area gambler and bookmaker arranged dates for members of the New York Yankees baseball club at a Washington, D.C., house of prostitution" - a group including Mantle.

Such a dark day for baseball. When an alcoholic Hall of Fame slugger whose favorite Yankee Stadium memory was getting a ****job under the bleachers is found to have actually engaged in the services of a pros******... well, I just don't know if the sport can ever heal these wounds.


  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    who hasn'timage
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    That story came out quite some time ago and it was no big surprise. Anyone who knows Mantle history knows that he was not only a big alcoholic but a big womanizer. Thats who he was and no one really cared much about it.
  • Yeah Ive heard both about him but I guess I was amazed about the ball. He signed it- Have a ball Coc*s***er, Mickey Mantle. Kinda funny that and the Andruw Jones bats I recently saw here. I didnt think athletes would sign their names to stuff like that but hey. they're only human.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Mantle signed some balls that read "I F*ed Marilyn Monroe"
  • In the Washington DC area, I know from personal dealings with players on both the Wizards and Redskins, I can't even begin to imagine the "law"makers are getting away with here.
    Mark Mulder rookies
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    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

  • jad22jad22 Posts: 535 ✭✭
    Kennedy Dodd sandwich.
  • packCollectorpackCollector Posts: 2,786 ✭✭✭
    jsut got done reading Ball Four , mantle was a leader of the beaver shooter's. pretty funny. I forgot the hotel that they mentioned but the quote was something like " the roof of the blank shot more beavers than anywhere in the world"

  • << <i>Kennedy Dodd sandwich. >>

    Mark Mulder rookies
    Chipper Jones rookies
    Orlando Cabrera rookies
    Lawrence Taylor
    Sam Huff
    Lavar Arrington
    NY Giants
    NY Yankees
    NJ Nets
    NJ Devils
    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

  • mccardguy1mccardguy1 Posts: 1,509 ✭✭✭
    I can tell you frm personal experience ( I worked with the Chicago Cubs during the 80's) that a number of the Mets, as well as players on other teams had a well know baseball groupie "satisfy" them about 30 minutes before a game under the stands at Wrigley. I still cant get that image out of my head!!
    I am on a budget and I am not afraid to use it!!
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    I have heard of these Mantle baseballs before, but I would really like to see some pictures or see them. I have been told this other story before in case anyone else hasn't.

    Not too long ago, I remember they thought I was having a heart attack on an airplane. I had a real bad cold. It was almost like walking pneumonia or something - I could hardly breathe on the plane. I was getting a little scared myself, so I asked the stewardess, "What do you do if someone has a heart attack?" She looked at me and she said, "My god, you better go sit down. I'll give you some oxygen."

    They called the paramedics and they came to the door of the plane when it arrived in Dallas. I still had the oxygen on me that they had put on in the plane. They put me on a stretcher and put the thing in my nose and the oxygen on my face. They were pulling me out of there and some guy was standing outside the door. He yells "Hey, that's Mickey Mantle!" And he says, "Say Mick, would you sign this for me?" He had a piece of paper and pen for me to sign.
    Well, they went ahead and took me to the hospital and checked me all over. The next day they gave me an angiogram (a heart test), to see how my heart was. It turned out I was okay, and just had a very bad cold.

    But I got to thinking about that guy wanting an autograph. I mean, as far as he knew, I was dying. I went to New York pretty soon after that, so I made up a story for the New York press.

    I told them that I'd dreamed that night that I'd died and gone to heaven. I finally got in to see God and God said, "Well, Mick, I'm sorry, but we can't keep you up here because of the way you acted on Earth."

    But he said, "Would you do me a favor?" I said, "What's that, God?" He said "Before you go, would you sign those two dozen baseballs there for me?" And I thought that was really funny.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    I was looking for a pic of that ball....one was sold by Lelands early last year. I googled but couldnt find it. If I remember, the ball realized over 3K
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Good Job Mike Schmdt!
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    wow, that disappeared quickly LOL
  • If you need to see the images please request they be sent through PM or e-mail.


  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Good Job Mike Schmdt! >>

    Very stupid of me to post links to the pictures. A public apology on that front. FWIW, there are three that you can find on Leland's past auction archives. One that says "Willie Mays sucks", and two that include an F-Bomb.


    (also, as an editorial note -- as Mantle is one of the most prolificly forged signatures in the hobby, I sometimes question where all of these specialty signature balls came from out of the blue over the past 3-5 years)

    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • PM me for a link for the " Have a ball C.S." pic

    Allen + Yankee no 7 I PM the pic.
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