Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

FSH: 2006 ASE 3-Coins Sets SOLD

These were purchased by my father on my advice. The mint box is opened, but they have not been cherry picked in any way. (Don't open the box was understood to mean the inner box, not the shipping box :confusedimage He has only opened and looked at one of the sets. 9 Sets available. I would prefer to sell these in groups, but will consider singles if groups don't sell.

Prices include insured delivery. Paypal, Postal MO, or check (allow 10 days to clear) are all acceptable.

9 Sets $2,265 SOLD
Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!


  • I will buy all 9 sets. can you please send me your phone number to vvbabu129@hotmail.com. waiting for your replay
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