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Hockey; 2005-06 Upper Deck THE CUP help????


I am not familiar with the Hockey 2005-06 Upper Deck THE CUP Product. I saw some individual cards, along with boxes and some cases for sale on eBay. I have been checking out the boxes and I was thinking of buying one. I see a box sells for $435 and up. Can someone please tell me how many total packs are in a box and how many total cards are in a box; that sells for this kind of money? The way I intrepid the description of this box on eBay is that you would get one pack with 4 cards in it and that is it. Is this correct? I find it hard to believe you have to pay $435 or more for 4 cards. I would really appreciate it if someone could enlighten me about this product. I am trying to figure out if it is worth it to buy a box or not with it selling for so much money.

Thanks, Jim


  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    $435 seems to be a bargain. They were going upwards of $700+ because the Crosby card is now $7,500 and AO is at $5,000.

    Yes, you only get 4 cards in the tin. These are for the thrill seekers hoping to catch the big fish (Sid & Ovechkin). One lucky member from the Beckett boards pulled 2 Crosbys. He did buy 4 boxes though.

    You could fall flat on your face and get 4 base cards. It's basically all or nothing with this product. Otherwise, just buy the card you want outright on sleezebay. I don't care for this product. It's way too much money and the cards are too thick and you'll get chipping on them also. Each card's thickness is equivalent to a pack so storage is a pain. You'll have to buy the large screwdowns to hold them. I'd stick with Ultimate Collection or Sp Authentic if you like hard signed autos. I don't care for patches.
  • Hi Bryan,

    Thank you so much for replying to my thread. Also thank you for the great advice. I really appreciate you taking the time out to answer my questions. I am gong to take your advice and not invest in one of these boxes. To me the trill in opening a box is opening each pack to see what you get. To open one pack for over $435 is not much of a trill to me. That is why I wanted to make sure I was reading the descriptions on these boxes right.

    Thanks again,
  • Keep in mind that if the Penguins get into the playoffs this season, that box won't be $435 much longer.
    Take the plunge into my ebay store
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