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I took the plunge into old gold

Enough of silver pennies and groats I went for gold this time. I'm a sucker for coins from this period in time.

FRANCE, Royal. Charles VI le Bien-Aimé/le Fol (the Well-Beloved/the Mad). 1380-1422. AV Écu d'or à la couronne (29mm, 3.77 g, 1h). St.-André de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon mint. 5th emission, 1411. Crowned royal coat-of-arms; annulet under twentieth letter / Cross fleurée with central star in quadrilobe; annulet under twentieth letter. Duplessy 369D; Ciani 378b; Friedberg 291.

I need only to find a nice example of a a "frowning bust" Henry V groat and I will stop...really I mean it...one more and that's it!
(well maybe a noble would be nice too.....

edited for spelling image


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