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Too rich for my blood, but dang!


1553 Gold Mary Fine Sovereign S-2488, N-1956


"An excellent portrait for the grade, sharply struck legends and rich medium gold color. Mary I (1516-1558, reigned 1553-1558), 'Bloody Mary,' so named for executing Protestant dissenters during her Catholic reign. Date in Roman Numerals, MDLIII. Now valued at 30 shillings, and of larger and finer style than preceding types, the impressive 'fine gold' sovereign of Queen Mary I (1553-54, with Philip to 1558) shows the Tudor queen enthroned and holding the implements of state. Obverse legend Reverse legend: 'A. DNO. FACTU. EST. ISTUD. ET. EST. MIRAB. IN. OCULIS. NRS.' (This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes: Psalm 118.23)"


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