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Pictures of actual President Dollars released by US Mint



  • kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,572 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It will be interesting to see edge-lettering on a circulating coin, as well as a return of Lady Liberty, even if it is only the statue. The gold-color will stop people from confusing it with a quarter, and they'll be plenty of new designs to look forward to.

    I hate them.

    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,711 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I wonder if we'll have to keep the Jefferson dollar design around from now on... >>

    Leave it up to Virginia and we will!
  • The Mint is going to to spoil coin collecting the way the Post Office ruined stamp collecting.
    Just how many new issues can the coin collecting community absorb?
    I guess in a way it's good though............ the money spent on this stuff won't be going after the Seated Quarters, so I'll have less competition.


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    << <i>Why no word \\\\\\\"Liberty\\\\\\\" anywhere on the coin? >>

    Bush took that away about 6 years ago. >>

    Yeah thats why you are posting your moronic replies because Bush took away your liberty image >>

    You can be arrested. Taken actually, nobody will know where you are.
    Taken to Cuba.
    Tortured until you say \'yes I did it\'.
    They will then put you on trial.
    Say you admitted doing it, it doesn\'t matter that it was a confession under torture, you can\'t use that as a defense.
    You do not get a lawyer.
    You go to prison the rest of your life. Still, nobody knows where you are.

    Right, no Liberty’s have been taken away.

    Opps, I forgot, the coins are ugly. >>

    Why dont you given us examples of what you claim. What American has been taken away, tortured and then confessed to terrorism and jailed. Besides Jose Padilla, no American has been jailed and charged with any crimes and on trial. If you cant back it up, move along. You chicken littles talk your crap and walk all over the the same government that you want to protect you from another terror attack.
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I suppose they look okay, but these damn dollars tone like crap. I mean, handle it twice and it looks like a turd image >>

    It just means that there will be a market for high end UNC dolars. image
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I betcha that the Mint is gonna suprise us

    with a special silver set of presidents, in MS and PR.

    Then we can drink our cool aid , get First Strike Designation

    and live happily ever after.........................till the next time. >>

    I sure hope you are right, the set would look better next to the gold wives if they were silver.
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I really like the reverse design and the edge lettering but the obverses just look like Sunoco tokens to me. I wonder if George Washington was able to shoot lasers out of those eyes? >>

    My bank is not going to stock them. image
  • aficionadoaficionado Posts: 2,309 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

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    << <i>Why no word \\\\\\\"Liberty\\\\\\\" anywhere on the coin? >>

    Bush took that away about 6 years ago. >>

    Yeah thats why you are posting your moronic replies because Bush took away your liberty image >>

    You can be arrested. Taken actually, nobody will know where you are.
    Taken to Cuba.
    Tortured until you say \'yes I did it\'.
    They will then put you on trial.
    Say you admitted doing it, it doesn\'t matter that it was a confession under torture, you can\'t use that as a defense.
    You do not get a lawyer.
    You go to prison the rest of your life. Still, nobody knows where you are.

    Right, no Liberty’s have been taken away.

    Opps, I forgot, the coins are ugly. >>

    Why dont you given us examples of what you claim. What American has been taken away, tortured and then confessed to terrorism and jailed. Besides Jose Padilla, no American has been jailed and charged with any crimes and on trial. If you cant back it up, move along. You chicken littles talk your crap and walk all over the the same government that you want to protect you from another terror attack. >>

    Who knows if it has happened. The Chimp doesn't tell me anything.

    The fact is, it can happen to you today and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

  • << <i>

    Who knows if it has happened. The Chimp doesn't tell me anything.

    The fact is, it can happen to you today and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. >>

    In other words you are so full of crap you cant possibly back up your moronic claims yet you still pretend to be intelligent to those around you by calling the President a chimp. You 2 need to brush up on your debate skills or keep it the hell off the coin forum.

  • << <i>RWHooligan posts: 8 >>

    You joined just to defend your dictator? You do deserve a medal. Perhaps a new presidential dollar?

  • << <i>

    << <i>RWHooligan posts: 8 >>

    You joined just to defend your dictator? You do deserve a medal. Perhaps a new presidential dollar? >>

    Actually I was reading a coin forum and some dolts thought they'd inject some wisdom they didnt actually have. Is this you in the photo? imageimage

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