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Baltimore's Best Card/Autograph show - My feedback

While there aren't that many good card shows in the Baltimore area, I thought this one was pretty decent. List of autograph guests included Cal Ripken Jr., Tony Gwynn, Don Mattingly, and countless other Orioles. There were VERY few tables with ANY sports cards of any kind, mostly autographs. Though I love autographs, as a "Baltimore's Best" card show, most tables were merely Ravens and Orioles photos, jerseys, paintings, balls, and helmets. There were two tables in particular that I was extremely impressed with: one guy had what must've been over 10,000 autographs at his table. His collection included hundreds of baseballs, thousands of cards in binders, and duplicates of almost every single one of this thousands of 8x10's and 16x20's. The other table that caught my eye was just incredible: two guys were running the table with consisted merely of PSA/DNA slabbed autograph cuts. The cuts included everyone from John F. Kennedy, The Beatles, multiple Babe Ruth autographs, and almost anyone else notable, rare, and expensive as you can think of. SOMEHOW, I left the show without spending more than the $10 admission fee...I was VERY temped at both of those incredible stands. JSA authentication services was at one end of the room, while PSA was at the other - I was actually very glad they were there, as the two ladies running the booth were both very friendly and answered every single one of my questions for upcoming submissions. By the way, I had no idea gold HOF plaque postcards fell under the $20 PSA/DNA slab fee, I thought they were subject to the regular autograph fees - probably dumb of me not to know, though I thought only trading cards applied to their $20 rule (I haven't sent many due to my fear that the cost was so high!) - overall, a very good show, especially for autographs (though pricing was kinda high). I'm not from the area so most of the tables were a disappointment, though the 2 tables I mentioned definitely made up for it. Did anyone else attend this show?

- Joe
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