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After 28+ years it's finished!

(This is a slightly revised version of a post I made to this thread. I decided it deserved a thread of it's own. I slightly revised the text and added links to images of seven of the coins in my set.)

I won the only lot that was really important to me in the recently concluded sale of 75 essai / piefort essai coins conducted by Jeremy (airplanenut). After 28+ years of searching, I now have a complete nine piece set of the coinage of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (It was only six coins when I started). This isn't an especially popular nor expensive set but it has been very difficult to complete:

1948 1Fr Aluminum business strike Mintage: 600,000

1948 2Fr Aluminum business strike Mintage: 300,000

1948 1Fr Copper-nickel - Essai Mintage: 2,000

1948 2Fr Copper-nickel - Essai Mintage: 2,000

1948 1Fr Aluminum Piefort with Essai Mintage: 104

1948 2Fr Aluminum Piefort with Essai Mintage: 104

2004 1/4 Euro Silver - Essai Mintage: 2,000

2004 1 1/2 Euro Silver - Essai Mintage: 2,000

2004 20 Euro Gold - Essai Mintage: 50

My quest began in 1978 while I was assigned to the Air Force Data Services Center in the Pentagon. I worked for a Major who, like me, collected coins. Occasionally we'd bring a few coins to work for a "Show & Tell" and during one of these sessions I happened to show him the 1Fr and 2Fr Saint Pierre & Miquelon business strike coins I had in my collection. His response was that if I wanted a challenge I should try to assemble a complete set of the coins that Saint Pierre & Miquelon had minted, a set of six coins all dated 1948. His challenge became my quest, one that has at last over 28 years and has now been achieved with the addition of the 1948 1Fr Piefort w/Essai from Jeremy's auction.



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