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Need help! what is a PCGS MS-69 half ounce GAE worth?

This is a plain (no W). I don't know much about these but it looks very nice,no spots or hits of course.Would like to know its buy/sell sprread. Thanks.


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    Forgot to say thats its a 2006!
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    melt, common as dirt
    Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.
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    Based on today's closing price of gold at $ 644, I will say between $ 322 to $ 345 on ebay.
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    Thanks a lot for your anwsers,does being PCGS add value.I haven't bought much modern stuff,I'd like to give some of it a look.
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    CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,931 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>does being PCGS add value. >>

    It definitely doesn't hurt but it doesn't help a whole lot either.
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    BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,957 ✭✭✭
    In this case you have a common investment coin that never sees circulation. Being in a PCGS holder only adds value to those who collect these and put them in their registry sets. Other wise 99% of the coins minted are in the same condition and the PCGS grade does not mean too much.

    Now being a collector generally I would add the cost of grading to the price of the coin when considering a purchase like this so take half the bullion value and add $14.

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