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eBay Non-Payment and Feedback

If a buyer hasn't paid for 4 weeks, and the eBay unpaid item dispute 7-day period (and a personal email) ended without them responding, can I leave a negative without fear of reprisal? It seems I've seen feedback for people where eBay notes/removes any retaliatory negatives once they buyer has obviously not paid.


  • Hi,

    I believe what you should do is end your unpaid item dispute befor your deadbeat bidder responds.I don't believe the other party can give feedback if they haven't responded to an unpaid item dispute.I had a similar situation on a $700.00 + auction where the bidder responded to the dispute and still didn't pay then left me negative retaliatory feedback after I gave him his.E-Bay allowed this since he responded to the unpaid item dispute.The fact that he still didn't pay made no difference,nice huh !Great policy but what can you do.

    So hurry up and end your dispute before your wacko responds like mine did then still doesn't pay.
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    Yup, what twohooks said. End the dispute. Slam the jerk with a neg. He can't retaliate because he didn't/never respond to the dispute. 4 weeks is plenty of time.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    He can reply, he can't give a pos, neutral or a neg at anytime.
    (that is if he does not respond to them).

    Good for you.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    NEVER allow a UID that has not been responded to run past the
    7-day response time.

    Close it EXACTLY 7-days after the response deadline.

    Non-payers cannot leave FB, if they fail to respond while the
    dispute is open. The Dispute Console gives them 7-days.

    They can, however, as previously noted, leave a response
    comment to the FB left by the seller.

    When the new FB system is launched - maybe as early as
    May - some of the crazy stuff may be dumped; ie: allowing
    deadbeats and scamsters to NEG honest sellers.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • ranarana Posts: 242
    I don't doubt you guys, but eBay seems to say the opposite here:


    "Buyers and sellers may leave feedback for each other on transactions involving Unpaid Items even if there was a mutual agreement not to complete the transaction. eBay encourages all users to leave appropriate feedback about their trading partners."

    Maybe you can leave text feedback, just without the positive/negative part? Or is eBay just out-of-date with their policy description online? The policy online doesn't seem to state there is any difference with respect to the buyer or seller on this issue. If that true in practice as well?
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "Buyers and sellers may leave feedback for each other on transactions involving Unpaid Items even if there was a mutual agreement not to complete the transaction. eBay encourages all users to leave appropriate feedback about their trading partners."

    Maybe you can leave text feedback, just without the positive/negative part? Or is eBay just out-of-date with their policy description online? The policy online doesn't seem to state there is any difference with respect to the buyer or seller on this issue. If that true in practice as well?


    It is easy to misinterpret some of EBAY's nonsense because
    they hire people who are over-educated and under-skilled to
    write their TOS.

    The money-lingo in the sentence you cite as dispositive is,
    "...even if there was a mutual agreement not to........"
    Focus on the "mutual agreement" concept. In order for there
    to be a "mutual agreement," BOTH parties have to agree;
    to "agree," both parties have to "respond."

    IF the second-party fails to "respond," there can be no
    agreement about anything. Failure to respond forfeits the
    right to leave FB, but NOT the right to leave a non-FB-calculated
    (% and #) comment to the other party's FB.

    Hard to believe that something that should be so simple has
    been made so complex by EBAY's nitwits.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Maybe you can leave text feedback, just without the positive/negative part?

    that's right.

    Good for you.
  • ranarana Posts: 242
    I went to leave the well-deserved negative feedback, and the guy is no longer a registered user. I'm pretty certain he can't leave retaliatory feedback for me now. image I guess my unpaid item strike was his third or so.

    In a sense it is good that people like this get banned, but I assume eBay just lets you set up a new account the next day, so...
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