Card Show "Tools"

Seeing how the card show season will be begining soon, I was wonder what tools you take to a show. Do you take just a loupe and your checklists, or do you go the more advanced route and take a laptop computer?
Some dealers may not like you standing at thier table with a loupe, others may not mind.
"Have Your Order In Your Head and Your Money In Your Hand."
I understand the loupe to check corners and edges and I understand needing a pen and paper to write booth number and prices, but what I don't understand is how you spot a trimmed card without a ruler or another card from the same set.
without a ruler or another card from the same set. "
If you feel most comfortable with a sample card, always take
one with you.
Sometimes, you can probably tell - with your loupe (16X) - if the edges
have been played with.
Also, shoppers should remember that ALL sellers of raw cards know
about PSA. If a show-seller's expensive cards are not in a PSA holder,
I would move on.
I would only buy raw cards from the sellers' side of a counter. Paying cents
on the dollar is safe, even if you make a mistake. Paying a dealer dollars
for ungraded-junk that is not worth cents, is unsafe.