Help! Any mechanics out there?

Sorry - this isn't related to cards but I need help, and someone on this board always seems to have the knowledge no matter what the subject, so here goes -
My son has a 2006 Toyota Tacoma p/u. Went to change the oil and accidentally removed the drain bolt for the transmission fluid. Before you laugh, I have to say I might have made the same mistake, given where the drain bolt is located.
Now I'm told the truck has what's called "World Standard" transmission fluid. There is no tranny filler tube or dipstick. You can't add tranny fluid yourself. I have to have the truck towed to the Toyota dealer, where they use some special pump to refill the transmission.
Any mechanics out there? Does this sound right?
Thanks for any help!
My son has a 2006 Toyota Tacoma p/u. Went to change the oil and accidentally removed the drain bolt for the transmission fluid. Before you laugh, I have to say I might have made the same mistake, given where the drain bolt is located.
Now I'm told the truck has what's called "World Standard" transmission fluid. There is no tranny filler tube or dipstick. You can't add tranny fluid yourself. I have to have the truck towed to the Toyota dealer, where they use some special pump to refill the transmission.
Any mechanics out there? Does this sound right?
Thanks for any help!
"Molon Labe"
Did you consult your owner's manual?
It's got to be in there.
"Molon Labe"
Its gonna be an expensive lesson knowing nothing is cheap at the dealer.
Do you have AAA? At least you can save a little bit of cash that way
1994 Pro Line Live
I would call other Toyota dealerships around the country and ask them when its the right time to change the tranny fluid and see what they say and how they correct you. Authorized dealerships are expensive, but they usually do the job right (although I know some real bad work going on behind the scenes, but its still better than an independent shop). Make sure you have everything in writing on the reciept. It must state that you are bringing it in to add fluid and nothing else. That way if the tranny fails, they are liable for not putting in correct fluid amount--the Toyota dealer is not allowed to make an excuse because they should know exactly what the truck needs. I bring this issue up with the receipt because most people fail to realize how important it is for it to state things on there. If you are not satisfied with what's written, tell them and sit on them until they make the correction. It costs a little bit of time, but makes all the difference later on it problems arise.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
Based on the info and the dilemma, I guessing manual tranny.
Here's the answer - there's a fill plug above where the drain plug is located.
Ya need an oil refill pump that I'll bet ya can get at autozone e.g.
I'm guessing the auto tranny's have the regular dipstick thing.
Deutsch - I think you're right. The independent shops won't have the right tools - it's too new.
Ah well, you live and learn.
Now I need a white Sharpie, so I can write "DO NOT REMOVE ME" next to the drain bolt so it never happens again!
Either that or go to Jiffy Lube next time. Nah.
Thanks again for the research and comments. You guys are the best!
"Molon Labe"
Obviously there was a dip stick in 2003 for auto trannys.
Now, they've made it almost impossible.
Looks like ya gonna have ta have it towed - and they add the fluid.
That like totally blows!
Sorry to hear this and yes - this could've happened to me fer sure!
really? why not? an oil change is less then 30.00, they get rid of the used oil, and it is done within an hr.
I changed my oil for almost 20 years. No more, the gas station guy is to convienent. The only thing I do with my cars/trucks are make sure they have window washing fluid and proper air in the tires
and you do not have this type of problems to worry about. the days of working on your own car are over. Ever try to change even a battery? You have to move or loosen 10 things just to get to it.
Some good independents will have the proper tools and the know how to do this job, but I agree I'd bring it to the dealer.