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TTM - Anyone use the Meiselman List?

A friend of mine just got the Meiselman basketball list a couple of weeks ago. He immediately sent out about 40 envelopes. Guess who was the first one to sign and get it back to him - LARRY BIRD. He received his 2 autographs back in 6 days. With that in mind, I just bought the baseball list last night. Anyone else have it?

By the way, he tried some of the free lists online, and every single one has been returned to him.



  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
    I have the Meiselman list and it has work great for me. In addition, you should join www.sportscollectors.net. On this website, you can see if a player signs or not...there are quite a few players that don't sign TTM. You can save your self a lot of money.


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • mcholkemcholke Posts: 1,000 ✭✭
    I use Harvey's list as well.

    Collecting Tony Perez PSA and Rookie Baseball PSA

  • I get the Hockey list every year. Money well spent. It's a must if you collect TTM. I also use Sportscollectors.net.


  • << <i>Guess who was the first one to sign and get it back to him - LARRY BIRD. He received his 2 autographs back in 6 days. >>

    Sorry to break it to you and your friend but those are probably ghost signed. People of late have either been getting a letter stating he is too busy to sign or what they do get back is not legit.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He has already had it looked at by PSA/DNA Quick Opinion, and it came back "Likely Genuine".


  • << <i>He has already had it looked at by PSA/DNA Quick Opinion, and it came back "Likely Genuine" >>

    Is that service available outside of Ebay??
    Well he either got real lucky or PSA/DNA doesn't know what they are talking about. I still have my doubts but who knows.
    Would love to see a scan.
  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    If it isn't considered bad form, could I possible have a couple of you PM me your latest Brett Butler address? It'd be much appreciated. If it is bad form, my apologies.


  • Not bad form at all! image

    4488 E. Thomas Rd.
    Unit 2012
    Phoenix, AZ. 85018

    People also had luck sending stuff c/o the Lancaster Jethawks Minor League Team but I don't have an address for them.
    88% sucess rate so you should have pretty good luck.
  • Brett is no longer the manager of the Jethawks so I wouldn't send items there anymore. Not sure if he is managing in 2007 but keep your eyes open and see which team he ends up working with.
    Learn some history of the game. Join a vintage base ball team in your area and get out there.
    Simsbury Taverneers
    My PSA Sets
  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    Yes, that is true. The Jethawks are now affiliated with the Red Sox, so Arizona bumped him up to the AA Mobile BayBears (Southern League). I blew my chance to meet him last summer when he brought the Jethawks to Modesto CA (30 minutes away) for a three-game series. I was out of town at the time, but didn't think much about it becaause I thought when I looked at their schedule before the season that they were coming to Modesto twice - not true image

    I'll try the AZ address, and his new Mobile team too. Thanks BWF!


  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Larry Bird auto

    This is my friends auction. He has a 1990 Hoops basketball card and this 3 x 5 card autographed from the same TTM.

    No, the Quick Opinion is not available outside of Ebay.


  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    That auto looks nothing like most of the signed cards on ebay now. Look at the D, its not even close.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • So he gets TTM to sell? *sigh*

    Anyone have a address for Bill Ripken ?
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>That auto looks nothing like most of the signed cards on ebay now. Look at the D, its not even close. >>

    We all know that there can be slight variations to autographs even in the same time period. Plus, PSA/DNA says it's likely genuine.


  • << <i>So he gets TTM to sell? *sigh* >>

    Agreed! Guys like him ruin it for guys like me who do it to build a collection and enjoy the hobby.

    << <i>Plus, PSA/DNA says it's likely genuine. >>

    And I will stick with the percentages and say these are ghost-signed.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He will probably not want me saying this but here goes - LIGHTEN UP GUYS! This friend of mine happens to love sports, but he is also a Christian missionary who is dedicating his entire life for the Lord's work. He has a young family (a wife and 2 small boys) to support, plus he is trying to raise his support to go abroad. A little extra gas and grocery money goes a long way with him. When I saw that the Bird auto ended at $41, I was tickled to death for him. You guys need to grow up and quit crying over your little autograph hobby and realize what is really important. He would have loved nothing more than to keep that autograph, but he couldn't afford to keep it knowing it might bring $20 or more. Now, say whatever you want.


  • << <i>He will probably not want me saying this but here goes - LIGHTEN UP GUYS! This friend of mine happens to love sports, but he is also a Christian missionary who is dedicating his entire life for the Lord's work. He has a young family (a wife and 2 small boys) to support, plus he is trying to raise his support to go abroad. A little extra gas and grocery money goes a long way with him. When I saw that the Bird auto ended at $41, I was tickled to death for him. You guys need to grow up and quit crying over your little autograph hobby and realize what is really important. Now, say whatever you want. >>

    Oh brother! Now I have heard it all.
    Maybe a part-time job would earn him a few more bucks than selling a most likely ghost signed Larry Bird autograph on Ebay.
    No Christian missionary I know is hitting up sports stars for autographs so they can sell them to futher their cause.
    Seems kind of pathetic to me.

    P.S.-Plus in the last 30 days he has spent $30.00 buying cards on Ebay so it seems like robbing Peter to pay Paul if you ask me. Why didn't he take that money and support that wife and two young kids??
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A missionary on deputation is a full time job. He can't tie himself down to a part time job because he travels so much. The autograph thing is a sort of a hobby to him because he is keeping some (he just got back a Dave Bing that he is keeping). He is just now getting started with it (as I am). I think it is a shame that you call that pathetic. No other Christian missionary that I know is doing that either (and I know a bunch), but that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with him doing it to help support his family.


  • << <i>I think it is a shame that you call that pathetic. No other Christian missionary that I know is doing that either (and I know a bunch), but that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with him doing it to help support his family. >>

    It's wrong because he is doing it under the guise that he is a collector when in fact all he wants to do is sell it. Not very honest for someone claiming to be a Christian missionary.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Collectors" sell things all the time. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Agree?


  • I sell cards on a small scale and make a buck or two to buy cards I want. So yeah I agree we all sell from time to time. I just disagree with involving a player who is doing it for free and making $$ off him and his time. Might of used a letter saying "Ive been a fan for a long time and my son wants this...." I call it lazy $$. It does make it harder for those who want a auto to keep when the player sees his efforts on ebay the next day.

    I can understand if you sent out 40 TTM and sell one good one to recoop your SASE fees I guess.

    Not wanting trouble here, just my opinion.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>P.S.-Plus in the last 30 days he has spent $30.00 buying cards on Ebay so it seems like robbing Peter to pay Paul if you ask me. Why didn't he take that money and support that wife and two young kids?? >>


    If anyone needs to lighten up it's you frank. Bringing up "he is also a Christian missionary who is dedicating his entire life for the Lord's work" gets absolutely nothing accomplished, only makes your friend look worse in my opinion.

    Selling TTM autos to make a profit or money back is wrong in my opinion, regardless of what the individual does for a living.

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, you guys are tough. Like I said, I am new to this TTM. I have never, ever thought it wrong to sell an autograph, whether you get it out of a pack or through the mail. Boy, I never expected this onslaught. By the way, I doubt very seriously that Larry Bird is going to check Ebay for his autographed index card.


  • << <i>By the way, I doubt very seriously that Larry Bird is going to check Ebay for his autographed index card. >>

    That's right he won't because he probably didn't sign it in the first place.
    Not sure why you are having such a hard time seeing the difference between selling something out of a pack compared to getting something for free through the mail. If I pay for a pack or box and get an auto I can do with it what I please because I paid for it. But to send a player something and act like a fan when in fact you are going to turn around and sell it ruins it for anyone who does TTM. That's why many players stopped doing TTM because of people just like your "christian missionary" friend.
    Get it??
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