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Ebay Question

I received an offer for an item I am trying to sell on ebay through the make an offer option. What happens if I make a counter offer and the item sells in the main time for my original Buy it Now price? I have never used this feature before and I am not exactly sure how it works. I don't want to accidentally sell the item twice. I greatly appreciate any responses that can help me understand this.
Always looking to buy old Minnesota Twins and Vikings memorabilia like Nodders, Photo Pennants, and Photo Buttons.


  • I stand corrected. I suppose noone used BIN when I had counteroffered. Thanks art.

  • If the offer is still on the table..and someone uses the buy-it now for more money. The offer will just stop and the person to whom you sent it to will simply get an END of ITEM email, telling them that the offer is longer up for consideration.

  • artistlostartistlost Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭
    You can make a counter offer and someone can still use the original buy it now price or they can submit another offer which may be higher or lower than your counter offer. The auction DOES NOT freeze. I have had this happen many times.
    baseball & hockey junkie

    drugs of choice
    NHL hall of fame rookies
  • Thanks for the clarification! I appreciate it!
    Always looking to buy old Minnesota Twins and Vikings memorabilia like Nodders, Photo Pennants, and Photo Buttons.
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