Vince Papale autograph

Looking for some possible avenues at getting a Papale rookie card autographed. My 8 year old son is really getting into playing all kinds of sports, football being one. He was really impressed with "Invincible". I purchased a card of Papale and would like to get it autographed in time to surprise him for his birthday in May. Thanks for any input
Papale,Vince, 771 S 2nd St 6, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Papale,Vince, 1100 Vine St 411, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Papale,Vincent & Janet Cantwell, 2219 S 15th St, Philadelphia, PA 19145
Papale,Vincent F, 1411 W Porter St, Philadelphia, PA 19145
There were a few successful TTM requests on through the address listed there.
Looking for Penn State autographs/memorabilia/cards/etc
WANTED: Yogi Berra Signed Ron Lewis '69 Mets Postcard